The following list of U.S. state terrorists is based on the model of the Most-Wanted Iraqi playing cards that was created by the U.S. military "to help troops identify the most-wanted members of President Saddam Hussein's government," (Wikipedia).
The edition below is called the "Heartless Hearts," and it is made up of the top officials in the Bush administration who are responsible for the planning, execution, and cover-up of the September 11 attacks.
I will write another edition in the future, the "Shadow Spades," that will feature the members of the criminal ruling elite including David Rockefeller, and those who serve their evil interests like foreign policy strategists Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Andrew Marshall.
There will also be a Democrat edition of state terrorists, the "Country Clubs," that will include President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Rahm Emanuel, Cass Sunstein, Eric Holder, Timothy Geithner, Janet Napolitano, Leon Panetta, William Daley, Mike Mullen, Susan Rice, and Dennis Ross. All of them are guilty of committing treason against the United States and covering up the 9/11 attacks.
The last edition in the 52-card deck will be the Israeli edition of state terrorists, the "Cut-Throat Diamonds," that will include Ehud Barak, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Efraim Halevy, and others.
This list was created to educate the people of the world about the real personalities who did the 9/11 attacks. It is a prosecution list, not a hit-list. These criminals who are a part of the U.S. shadow government, which is a state within a state, need to be charged with treason and war crimes. This world will go to hell if they are not stopped from committing more attacks and brought to a court of law in America to answer for their crimes against the U.S. constitution and crimes against humanity.
The Heartless Hearts:

Ace: Dick Cheney, 46th Vice President of the United States
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: As Vice-President, Cheney abused his powers and broke U.S. and international law. Cheney mastered the dark side of the U.S. propaganda machine and outright lied to the American people as well as the global public about the reasons why the Bush administration launched the illegal war on terror. Read the following articles to get a picture of the dark and sinister role played by Cheney while serving as Vice-President: How Cheney abused his power in war on terror (The Telegraph, Tim Shipman, 2007), Cheney: "I Was A Big Supporter Of Waterboarding" (Johnathan Turley, 2010), Rumsfeld and Cheney Revive Their 70's Terror Playbook (Thom Hartmann, 2006).

King: George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: As President, and the chief voice of America on September 11, 2001, George W. Bush created a false public perception about the attacks in order to undermine the U.S. constitution and the powers of Congress, and implement an evil agenda for world domination in the Middle East and Central Asia. In my article "The President’s Role In The Political Construction of False Popular Perceptions," I quoted Sandra Silberstein, a professor of English at the University of Washington, who writes in her book, ‘War of Words: Language, Politics and 9/11,′ that, "When the president speaks, he governs." According to Silberstein, the American president has the power to persuade and make people believe what is not factually true. President Bush abused this almighty power on the morning of September 11, and throughout his presidency. President Barack Obama has followed in Bush's footsteps by also abusing the almighty power of persuasion which belongs to the Office of the Presidency to safeguard the American people's interests and rights, and not for any other purpose.

Queen: Donald Rumsfeld, 21st United States Secretary of Defense
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: As the head of the Pentagon, Rumsfeld helped to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks and then manipulated the American peoples's anger and fear to go after sovereign states that posed no threat to the Unites States of America and global security. Known as the Memo Machine, Rumsfeld played a pivotal role in organizing the forces of propaganda inside Washington to construct false narrative of the war on terror for public consumption. His crimes are legion. He leaves behind a deceitful and treacherous trail from his rise in the Ford administration along with fellow conspirator Dick Cheney to his fall from grace in 2006. For more

Jack: Paul Wolfowitz, 25th United States Deputy Secretary of Defense
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Wolfowitz is one of the chief architects of the 9/11 attacks and the war on terror. TheWolfowitz Doctrine (February 1992) paved the way for the Nazi-esque Bush Doctrine that called for preventive war, and unilateral strikes against several Middle East regimes. A former top U.S. official Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik said on the Alex Jones show in May that a top general on Wolfowitz's staff privately told him that 9/11 was a false flag operation carried out by Wolfowitz, Cheney, and others. Check out 'Washington's Hardliners Are Guilty of Treason: Team B's Direct Connection To 9/11' to learn more about Wolfowitz's participation in the 9/11 attacks and cover-up.

Ten: Condoleezza Rice, 66th United States Secretary of State and 20th United States National Security Advisor
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Rice manipulated her office as Secretary of State and brought shame upon America. She deceived the public about Saddam Hussein's stockpiles of nuclear weapons and fearmongered about his intentions towards the United States. Rice also played an integral part in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks along with Stephen Hadley who replaced her as the 21st United States National Security Advisor.

Nine: Robert Gates, 22nd United States Secretary of Defense
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Gates's job is to lie. He is one of the greatest liars that the rotten U.S. establishment has ever produced. He lies as naturally as you and I breathe. Lying plays a big part of his personal and professional life. Read Robert Parry's article 'How Robert Gates' Lies and Cover-Ups Earned Him a Long, Prestigious Career -- At the Expense of the American People.' Parry says, "two decades ago, U.S. history could have taken a very different course if Gates and his cohorts had faced real accountability and their secrets had been exposed. That more contentious route was opened in 1991 when President George H.W. Bush nominated Gates, then Bush's deputy national security adviser, to become CIA director."

Eight: Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Zelikow, an influential policy maker and a professor at the University of Virginia, crafted a political myth about the 9/11 attacks in his position as the Director of the 9/11 Commission to the serve the criminal geopolitical objectives of the Bush administration. Read more about his shady background and his role in the 9/11 cover-up in my articles: Philip Zelikow Speaks For The Makers of Terror; Philip D. Zelikow: The Myth Maker Behind 9/11 And The War on Terror; and Philip D. Zelikow: The Big Head Behind The Big Lie About 9/11.

Seven: Colin Powell, 65th United States Secretary of State
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Powell has the job of presenting a masculine and humane face to the American people while dutifully serving the cold-blooded interests of the ruling elite that controls the U.S. empire and U.S. banking system. Powell has a reputation of honor and integrity, but nothing could be further from the truth. His lies about Iraqi WMDs in the United Nations caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including thousands of Americans. If he had any honor and courage he would not be a top general. You don't get ahead in the current U.S. military by being honorable and good. Only devious, servile, and boot-licking officers like Powell move up the ranks. The ones who make it to the top can tell a thousand lies to the people because they're psychopathic murderers.

Six: John Ashcroft, 79th United States Attorney General
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Ashcroft is a corrupt scumbag who told the 9/11 Commission, along with Rumsfeld and former CIA director George Tenet, to follow the proposed script - or else. Read Sahil Kapur's article "Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about 'line' it 'should not cross" and this post from Washington's Blog which focuses on the same issues. Ashcroft was also the guy behind TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), the domestic spying program that was launched after the 9/11 attacks. He was also a hardcore Drug War enthusiast who went after actor Tommy Chong.

Five: Andrew Card, 21st White House Chief of Staff
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Andrew Card is another lying weasel. He was the guy who informed President Bush on the morning of 9/11 in a classroom in a Florida school that America was under attack after a second plane struck the twin towers. Here is the photo. Three months later Bush said at a public event that he saw the first plane hit one of the twin towers on television before entering the classroom and thought that it was an accident, but this is an obvious lie. As CBC journalist Bob McKeown says in this video, "no one saw the first plane crash on T.V. on September the 11th because the videotape of it didn't surface until the next day. So how could George Bush have seen what he said he saw?"This little lie by Bush opens the door of speculation about the brief exchange that Card and Bush had in the Florida classroom. The fact that Bush can't keep his story straight about the most important day in modern world history is a sign that the entire exchange between him and Card was staged.
Susan Lindauer, a journalist, former U.S. intelligence spy, author of the book 'Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover-Ups of 9/11 and Iraq,' and a second cousin to Card, had revealed to a friend months before 9/11 that there would be a big attack in southern Manhattan. Her credibility is so rock solid that she was accused of being an Iraqi spy and mentally unfit by the government to divert attention from her serious claims. For more information, read Michael Collins's 2008 article '9/11 Prediction Revealed at Lindauer Competency Hearing in New York City.'

Four: Richard Armitage, 13th United States Deputy Secretary of State
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Richard Armitage's acts of treason includes his role in leaking CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity to the press. Armitage is to public service what serial killer John Wayne Gacy is to clown service. He was part of the foreign policy advisory group in George Bush's 2000 presidential campaign that was nicknamed "The Vulcans" which included Condoleezza Rice, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Robert Zoellick, and Paul Wolfowitz. These crooked thugs don't even try to hide their evil nature. Evil just oozes out of them like pus.

Three: George Tenet, 18th Director of Central Intelligence
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: As the head of the CIA when 9/11 happened, Tenet was at the heart of the government conspiracy. He used his powers to manipulate the American people and Congress into supporting two criminal and fruitless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Former U.S. intelligence officials Phil Giraldi, Ray McGovern, Larry Johnson, Jim Marcinkowski, Vince Cannistraro, and David MacMichael wrote a letter to Tenet, saying:
We write to you on the occasion of the release of your book, At the Center of the Storm. You are on the record complaining about the “damage to your reputation”. In our view the damage to your reputation is inconsequential compared to the harm your actions have caused for the U.S. soldiers engaged in combat in Iraq and the national security of the United States. We believe you have a moral obligation to return the Medal of Freedom you received from President George Bush. We also call for you to dedicate a significant percentage of the royalties from your book to the U.S. soldiers and their families who have been killed and wounded in Iraq.Also, read Ray McGovern's 2007 article "How George Tenet Lied."

Two: Elliott Abrams, Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: Elliott Abrams, a neoconservative who is hell-bent on wars, was a key foreign policy strategist who crafted the Bush administration's Middle East policy. He has lied to Congress and the American people on many occasions. He lied to Congress about the CIA's covert wars in Central America and the Iran-Contra Affair in the 1980s, and was later found guilty of withholding information, but he was pardoned by George H. W. Bush in December 1992. If the U.S. government was not controlled by devils and crooks like Bush then Abrams would be locked up in jail for committing war crimes, violating the U.S. constitution, and committing perjury. Instead, the devilish Abrams is free to provoke new wars and cause unbelievable devastation in the Middle East. Read the article "Elliott Abrams: The Neocon’s Neocon" by Tom Barry for more information on Abrams's role in crafting U.S. policy towards the Middle East.

Joker: Karl Rove, White House Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the President
Charges: Treason against The United States of America, Committing War Crimes against Humanity, And Committing Acts of State Terrorism Including Murdering Approximately 3,000 Innocent People on September 11, 2001
Job: As a chief propagandist for the Bush administration, Rove manipulated the public and helped his friends stab the American people in the back. This pig-faced demon is destined for hell along with the rest of his parasitic and criminal friends.
Rove, Bush, Cheney, and company are enjoying themselves because for them lying to the people, betraying soldiers, and getting away with murder is fun. They're a bunch of jokers playing cops and robbers who are laughing all the way to hell.