Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente warned in February that we should expect another false flag attack in America to boost the popularity of President Obama and escalate the wars in the Middle East. "Look for a false flag," said Celente, "look for something to rally the people around the president. They'll do another one .... Remember the Maine. Remember the Gulf of Tonkin."
Another false flag attack is a matter of when, not if. The U.S. shadow terrorist state is an unaccountable, secretive, resourceful, cunning, and powerful engine for destruction and deception. We should not underestimate the evil men who have hijacked the national security policy and foreign policy of the United States of America.
I am not making any kind of prediction about the future. I am simply speculating what might happen in the coming months based on reliable information and evidence of past false flag attacks done by the U.S. shadow government. The 9/11 attacks signified that we live in an age of state terror and mass deception. Nothing has changed in a decade. In fact, America is ripe for another 9/11. The official announcement of Osama Bin Laden's death and increasing tensions between Pakistan and the U.S. are signs that the shadow myth makers in the national security crime syndicate are preparing the American public for an attack inside America to be blamed on Pakistan.
I'm not interested in scaring people. This article is not about unjustified doomsday fear. But I am also not afraid to speak my mind and tell you what I am afraid might happen. Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy said that the role of the press in a free society was "to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion." I don't think anyone has ever put it better.
I believe we should be on guard for another false flag terrorist attack committed by the men who operate and control the U.S. shadow state. We must always remind ourselves of the fact that the people in power in the United States are power-hungry authoritarians who want to transform Western society into a post-humanist, collectivist, authoritarian paradise in which the people are dominated like sheep and the elite live like kings. Since war is the best way to transform a society these freaks are focused on starting world war three in the Middle East in order to justify total government control of all aspects of life and acquire complete control of Central Asia and the Middle East.
Does The Road To World War III Go Through Chicago?
The most likely place to be blown up by the shadow state terrorists is Chicago's Willis Tower, formerly Sears Tower. In 2004, the building was sold to a couple of investors from New York named Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre who are associated with Larry Silverstein's investment group. Silverstein owned the lease on the World Trade Center complex, and made billions of dollars from the state managed destruction of World Trade 1, 2, and 7. He should be in prison for insurance fraud and covering up the 9/11 attacks. Actually, this snake should be hanged for treason!
It is not good news for the American people and the people of the Middle East that Silverstein's investment group is connected to Chicago's Willis Tower. Last year, Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas of the website 'The Intel Hub' wrote in an article called "What Do The Sears Tower; WTC, and Terror Drills Have In Common?":
Radio host Alex Jones, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, and others have also said that a future false flag attack may take place in Chicago. The current mayor of Chicago is the former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Back in 2008, Emanuel said:Larry Silverstein, owner of Silverstein Properties, Inc. and the man who leased the World Trade Center Towers also happens to be the owner of the Sears Tower in Chicago. The complex was renamed the Willis Tower on July 16, 2009 and is insured by global insurance broker Willis Group Holdings. The insurer is very important in the grand scheme as can be seen with the WTC, whose insurance settlement amounted to a cool 4.68 billion dollars.
A company named Kroll is is the company tasked with providing security for the Sears Tower. After 9/11, Kroll purchased Convair, the very company that was responsible for recovering data from WTC hard drives. Kroll also managed the bunker in the WTC and is known to have had a hand in the London 7/7 bombings.
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before.Emanuel's ideas about the government's role in a crisis reveals an authoritarian mindset. Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine" is a good examination of how leaders use crises, whether real or manufactured, to advance unpopular agendas and policies that undermine democratic governance and civil liberties. Government leaders that use shock techniques like false flag terrorist attacks to induce a population to change their behavior and beliefs are not interested in defending the people but taking control over society.
Preparing The Psychology of The People And The Bureaucracy
Since last year a number of emergency drills and exercises have taken place in and around the city of Chicago. To find out more about these drills and exercises, here are some articles you should read:
June 2010 - Emergency drills may close Chicago-area roads
June 2010 - Armageddon Simulated in Chicago
May 2011 - Third tallest building in Chicago enhances security, conducts fire evacuation drills
On June 10, 2011, Chicago's Northwest Community Hospital and the U.S. Army Reserve will perform an emergency exercise called "Red Dragon" to prepare for any future event involving mass death.
The publicly stated purpose for the drills are reasonable and normal. All responsible governments should take precautions to prepare citizens for an emergency situation like a flu pandemic or environmental disaster. But the U.S. shadow government is not responsible or trustworthy. The power-mad Emanuel is not a level-headed person that you want leading your city during a time of great sorrow and loss. Emanuel, like Rudy Giuliani, comes from the school of thought that says freedom is bad and authority is good. Tyrants love a crisis because in a state of crisis the people are confused, fearful, anxious, and willing to be led by a strong and powerful leader. A national crisis makes the people rally around the leader and gives the government increased authority to control society.
In July of last year, a former Clinton official said that a new terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 would boost President Obama's popularity and give his administration greater credibility. The remarks were made in anticipation of the mid-term elections, but they are still applicable today. The 2012 presidential election is around the corner and a new false flag attack in Obama's former nesting grounds would clear the path for victory.
Pakistan: The Designated Culprit?
Relations between the United States and Pakistan are verging on the catastrophic. Pakistan has already been blamed by the Obama administration and U.S. media for not identifying Osama Bin Laden in their backyard. Those of us who know that Osama Bin Laden died nine years ago and that the May 1st announcement of his death was a massive psyop understand that the purpose of staining Pakistan is to isolate it in order to seize its nuclear weaponry and expand America's role in the region.
The Washington Post reported on May 20 that the rank and file of Pakistan's military are mad at the United States for disrespecting Pakistan's sovereignty:
Some of the outrage among the ranks stems from shame that the Pakistani military failed to locate bin Laden or detect the stealth U.S. raid on bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, according to officers and military analysts. But most of it is directed toward the United States, an ally that has given billions of dollars to help sustain Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts but is voicing rising concern that the country’s military is not dedicated to that fight.Another aspect that ties into a possible Chicago false flag/framing Pakistan storyline is the high-profile terrorism trial of Tahawwur Rana that began a week ago in Chicago. Rana, Pakistani Canadian and a resident of Chicago, was charged along with former CIA agent David Coleman Headley in October 2009 for attempting to blow up the offices of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten that published cartoons of prophet Muhammad in September 2005. A star witness against Rana is David Coleman Headley himself, the rogue U.S. government agent who was involved in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks. ProPublica's Sebastian Rotella reported on May 22, 2011:Members of Pakistan’s army, which by some accounts is the world’s fifth-largest, have said little publicly about the U.S. operation. But interviews with officers suggest that there is a raucous and broad internal debate — one that is unlikely to undermine the institution, military analysts said, but that bodes poorly for U.S. hopes of an expanded Pakistani effort against Islamist militants.
To head off the discontent, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, Pakistan’s army chief, made town-hall-style appearances last week at five garrisons, where he faced barbed questions from officers about the U.S. raid, according to some who attended. After a 45-minute address to the 5th Corps in the southern port city of Karachi, Kayani took queries for three hours. Attendees said questioners focused on the perceived affront in Abbottabad — and why Pakistan, in the words of one officer, did not “retaliate.”
Headley, a Pakistani-American businessman and former DEA informant, will be the star witness against Tahawwur Rana of Chicago, his boyhood friend and alleged accomplice in the 2008 terror attacks on Mumbai. Opening arguments set for Monday have drawn international attention because Headley's testimony could reinforce allegations that Pakistan plays a double game in the fight against terrorism.Headley, who is described as a "master manipulator" by Rana's defense attorney Charles Swift, told the court that Pakistan's ISI and Pakistani terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba were responsible for the Mumbai attacks in order to frame Pakistan and give a PR victory to the U.S. shadow government. Headley is clearly a shady character who should not be trusted.The prosecution will depend largely on how the jury views Headley, one of the most intriguing figures to surface in a U.S. terror case. The burly, smooth-talking 50-year-old has a penchant for grandiose dreams and a knack for juggling relationships with multiple wives, terrorist groups, and law-enforcement and intelligence agencies.
"The testimony of David Coleman Headley," writes NBC's Michael Isikoff, "is likely to further inflame U.S.-Pakistani relations, which are already strained because of the U.S. killing of Osama Bin Laden." To correct Isikoff, the U.S. didn't kill Osama Bin Laden, he died on his own. The story that Navy Seals Team Six killed Bin Laden is pure bullshit. Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a former national security expert and psychological warfare chief, told the Alex Jones show three weeks ago that Bin Laden died due to marfan syndrome in late 2001/early 2002.
The Next 9/11 And The Death of America
If there is another government false flag attack, say goodbye to America and say hello to the new world order. The world is about to change again. Wake up and smell the fire.
America's heart is being pulled out and eaten alive in front of our eyes by the tyrants and traitors who are in control of America's shadow terrorist state. They will not stop blowing buildings up until they have acquired total power.
We should not expect mercy or pity from these monsters. We should expect the worst because they are the worst kind of men: they seek to terrorize, steal, deceive, destroy, and control. Through enacting history they gain dominion over us.
As long as we believe what we are told by our governments we will remain child-like slaves. We must question the false narratives they tell us and write our own history. Then we can be creative agents of history as opposed to brainwashed agents of state power.