March 16, 2011

The Collapse of The Towers Was A Warning: Total Collapse Is Next

It is impossible to turn away from the truth about 9/11. Simply put, the Bush administration was totally behind the attacks. I am just restating the obvious. This conclusion comes from scientific logic, not paranoid theorizing. In fact, there is no need to theorize because all the important facts are out in the open. For example, the collapse of Building 7, which was not hit by a plane, happened before our eyes, and in the heat of the drama, not on the backstage.

The popular idea that there are many conspiracy theories about September 11 is not true. In reality, people are divided between two main versions of the attacks. The government version states that Al-Qaeda committed the attacks, a claim that has no basis in fact, and the scientific version states that the United States government, which was captured from within by cold-blooded psychos and radicals, is responsible for the attacks. Those are the battle lines. There should be no confusion as to where to stand. This is a war with two sides, not three. And everything is on the line: truth, justice, freedom, peace, the destiny of the human species. You can't be neutral in this debate. You either buy the Bush administration's manufactured story, or you don't.

It is too bad that the truth is always socially taboo instead of lies. But, as it is often said, humans are dupes. When liars are handed the power of kings, those who tell the truth are considered heretics and banished from public life. In our era we refer to heretics as "conspiracy theorists," making it socially unacceptable for "sane" and "normal" people to question events like 9/11 and talk about subjects such as the assassination of JFK. But, there's an upside if you're a "conspiracy theorist": history has shown that you will be proven right, and the lying kings will get their heads chopped off. In the war between treason and truth, truth always wins. It is not even a fair match. Joseph Wilson, Valerie Plame, and Bradley Manning will be hailed as patriots, while Bush, Cheney, and Obama will be hanged as traitors.

The biggest question facing the world is who should be punished for 9/11? So far, nobody who was responsible for the attacks has been punished. I consider this a huge insult to the men and women who were murdered in the light of day on September 11, 2001. Justice must be done. But it is unlikely that any justice will be done unless there is a restoration of honor and truth and liberty in America.

II. From The Collapse on 9/11 to The Total Collapse of America

The greatest lesson we can take away from recent global crises is that civilization is fragile. Look at what's happening in Japan. One day can change everything in a nation. How we will live after an epic transformation of our society is in the realm of the unknown, but that uncertainty should not scare us. It is beneficial for societies to collapse, because then renewal and restoration can begin. Europe and Japan took advantage of the destruction left by World War II by rebuilding their societies with a greater purpose and making their cities more beautiful. We in North America are desperate to reconnect socially, and improve our cities, and an economic and social collapse will give us that opportunity. It is important that we view the events that are unfolding mysteriously before us in a glass as half full kind of way.

But it is also critical that we retake our governments, and demand greater transparency and accountability. The American people especially must take back their government because their safety and future is not guaranteed under the current plutocratic leadership in Washington. America is being led into the ground by design, but this process can be reversed more quickly than one might think. What is required is a recognition of patterns, and the acceptance of basic facts. We can link the planned collapse of the three buildings on 9/11 to the planned collapse of America. The events of September 11 foreshadowed greater evils ahead, but those evils can be checked, and put to rest, if the original evil is seen for what it is: state terrorism, and high treason.

Obviously, it is frightening to consider the total collapse of government authority and society in America, but it is not as far fetched as it may appear. The lackluster global economy will surely crash again, and this time the American public will suffer much more because the federal government will go bankrupt instead of a few banks on Wall Street. Recently, an ex-Goldman Sachs analyst, Charles Nenner, predicted a total economic collapse and a major world war in the near future. Appearing on the Fox Business network on March 9, Nenner said: “I told my clients and pension funds and big firms and hedge funds to almost go out of the market, almost totally out of the market."

It is harder to discredit the predictions of doom and gloom economists and "conspiracy theorists" when their warnings are being repeated by a financial insider.

But all is not doom and gloom. All is not lost. We have good reason to be hopeful about the long-term future. Many observers who warn of a new dark age also raise the possibility of a new cultural, political, social and economic renaissance. I haven't made my mind up about how the future will play out, but I am open to all the possibilities and outcomes. I am currently reading Jane Jacobs' 2004 book "Dark Age Ahead" which is filled with many insights about how societies and cultures lose their way, and fall into dark ages. In her closing remarks, Jacobs says that "a society must be self-aware. Any culture that jettisons the values that have given it competence, adaptability, and identity becomes weak and hollow. A culture can avoid that hazard only by tenaciously retaining the underlying values responsible for the culture's nature and success," (Jacobs: Dark Age Ahead; pg. 176).

Jacobs died nearly five years ago at the age of 89. What she warned about may not come totally true, but we would be foolish not to reflect on her ideas and her course of action. I don't believe we are entering a new dark age in North America and Europe, but we are marching head down into economic, environmental and political crises which will dramatically alter how we live and how we associate with each other. Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, and others have said that we can either go into a new dark age or experience a new renaissance. If it is a new renaissance, it won't come into the world magically out of the skies. We must work for it.

First, we must admit the inescapable truths of our age. The biggest truth is that 9/11 was done by people within the United States government. By accepting this, we have no choice but to conclude that our modern democratic political systems in the West have been completely corrupted and turned upside down from the inside. It is not simply a matter of politicians lying and getting away with it. That is nothing new in history. Honesty has never been government policy. Politicians will probably lie about certain things two hundred years from now. But what is new is the intensity of the betrayal of the people and the lack of restraint by the elites.

The war on democracy and freedom today is a complete reversal of the American revolution and the democratic traditions that were won by the Enlightenment in Europe. Long-term government policy in areas of security, energy and the economy are no longer regulated by the citizenry because they are denied the information to correctly regulate anything in society. People in Western democracies, especially America, are only tasked with judging their favorite contestants on talent shows and going shopping when the economy is down or when a government-engineered terrorist attack has occurred.

It is all too clear that the global financial oligarchy is not only intent on oppressing the people of every free nation with undemocratic institutions like the IMF and the World Bank, but getting rid of the people entirely. And the people have started to fight back but it may be too little, too late. In order to restore the rule of law and freedom we must attack the tyrants' Achilles heel--their lies about 9/11. We must rebuild our societies from the level of truth because a society that is not grounded on the truth is not a sustainable, productive, and healthy society. Government can live and thrive on a big lie, but not society. Truth must serve as a foundational stone if we want to reform our governments and rebuild our societies from the ground up.