January 19, 2011

9/11 Truth Has ALWAYS Been Non-Violent

9/11 Truth Has ALWAYS Been Non-Violent
By Jon Gold
9/11 Truth News
Published: January 15, 2011

In case you hadn’t noticed, the obvious campaign by the corporate media to paint anyone that questions the official account of 9/11 as a violent murderer has been stepped up a notch.

In the past, we’ve had people like Glenn Beck say that we love Holocaust Denying murderers (now he’s saying we are a “Recipe For Disaster“). The “Pentagon Shooter” was painted as a 9/11 Truther. Now, the recent Tucson shooter, and an Asset Manager have been painted as people on the side of 9/11 Justice. Just go to screwloosechange or Media Matters to see what the so-called “debunkers” are saying. They have gone to GREAT LENGTHS to help the media out with their campaign.

As I mentioned in my article The Facts Speak For Themselves, the corporate media has gone to great lengths to avoid anything having to do with real 9/11 Justice, and instead, has chosen to attack those seeking it. This is nothing new, but it must be addressed.

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