November 18, 2010

Mencius: The Lightworker wants to touch your junk

The Lightworker wants to touch your junk
By Mencius Moldbug
Unqualified Reservations

Here at UR, we don't take a lot of interest in elections. Washington is what it is. Does Thai whorehouse gonorrhea respond to penicillin? Washington has spent the last 75 years making itself immune to politics. It would be disrespectful to suggest that it hasn't had some success in the matter. That said, you might get lucky. Or you might get a strain that eats the penicillin.

Most Americans do not read UR. They do believe in their caring, fatherly government. It no doubt strikes them as curious that, after eight years of Bush von Cheney, they voted for hope and change, and got... their balls stroked? Which could be one of these strange Potomac coincidences. But as the Lightworker's administration began to hit its stride, they also found themselves with indefinite military detention and a return to the war on encryption.

The last rings a bell. When was the last time Washington tried to ban encryption? Oh, that's right - the Clinton administration. Isn't that peculiar? If any American was asked which is the party of national security, and which the party of civil liberties, he would have no trouble identifying the Republican and Democratic parties respectively. So why is it that, concerned about his civil liberties, he elects Democrats - and gets his underwear invaded?

The NPR progressive and the Rupert Murdoch neoconservative, neither of whom is anywhere near in touch with historical reality, are both in equal parts mystified and reassured by this development. Actually, it's not at all complex or surprising, and can be explained easily in an unusually short UR post.

Continued. . .