Judge Andrew Napolitano, host of "Freedom Watch" on Fox Business, questioned the official version of the 9/11 attacks in an interview with radio show host Alex Jones on November 23, 2010, saying: "It's hard for me to believe that it came down by itself...I am gratified to see that people across the board are interested. I think twenty years from now, people will look at 9-11 the way we look at the assassination of JFK today. It couldn't possibly have been done the way the government told us." The idiots over at Media Matters are attacking Napolitano as another "conspiracy theorist." The Huffington Post also ran with the story, with a headline entitled: "Andrew Napolitano, Fox Business Host, Reveals He Is A 9/11 Truther." The comments in the HuffPost article exceed 1,600 comments, and from what I've read, they are largely pro-9/11 truth.
Napolitano's bold declaration that the U.S. government lied about the 9/11 attacks shows how far the 9/11 truth and accountability movement has come. Less than two years ago it was unsafe for someone in the media to publicly question the government's version of 9/11, but, thanks to the success of Jesse Ventura's truTV show "Conspiracy Theory" and Geraldo Rivera's recent coverage of the "BuildingWhat?" T.V. ad campaign led by family members of 9/11 victims, and the group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the tide is turning towards the truth.
The Alex Jones show, which is the main platform for the most outspoken critics of the American empire and its many crimes, is where the impending waves of truth are making landfall. The national dialogue in America can no longer be dictated solely by cynical media professionals. All that the mainstream media can do is stand back, and watch its own demise. Its cowardice and complicity is being continually exposed. The public knows that journalists are missing their moral compass, and their truth compass. They are lost, and confused. The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and other corporate media outlets have just as much credibility with the American people as Pravda had with the Russian people when the Soviet Union was collapsing.
We live in interesting times. It is exciting to be alive. The intense drama that springs from brave truth-telling, and scandalous revelations about government corruption can't be scripted. And this is only the beginning. The show will get better and better. These next few years are going to be dramatic. The World is about to get even more fascinating. America's political awakening is happening side by side with Mankind's political awakening, and both are truly a world-historical event. Public knowledge about how America uses false-flag terrorism to start imperial wars, and how the Western banking system works for the benefit of a small elite is increasing, and will eventually strengthen Western democracies.
The War Criminals in the United States government have nowhere to run. Where are they going to go? Spain? Nope. Latin America? LOL, good luck. London? The Mayor over there is mad at Bush about torture; imagine if he raised the fact that 9/11 was an inside job.
What is the future destination for U.S. war criminals - China? Saudi Arabia? Dubai? This is a serious question. Dallas won't be George Bush's permanent residence. Texas is law and order country. It's death penalty law doesn't sound so bad when considering the fate of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the devilish traitors who deceived, betrayed, and bankrupted America.