November 9, 2010

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Wall Street

Wall Street, Congress, the Senate, and the White House destroyed the American economy. It's not a conspiracy. It is the truth. It is provable. The mainstream media is not just slow to pick this up, they are deliberately avoiding the issue, because they are afraid to go down that road, knowing full well that they are implicated in the destruction of the economy and the cover-up by failing to inform the American people about the corruption at the Federal Reserve, and the criminal collusion between Wall Street's top banksters and Washington's top politicians.

Luckily, there is Jesse Ventura. In episode three of season two in his popular truTV show Conspiracy Theory, Ventura and his team investigate the Wall Street crime scene with help from former bank regulator William K. Black, Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi, Congressman Ron Paul, and Wall Street whistleblowers including GATA Chairman Bill Murphy. They put the puzzle together, and it's not a pretty picture. America got raped by parasitic financial cartels on Wall Street and their cronies on Capitol Hill.

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S02E03 - Wall Street - Part 1 of 3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3