Well, Well, Well ... What Do We Have Here? Truth-tellers on television? Am I dreaming?
Yesterday, November 13, 2010, Geraldo Rivera invited Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti onto his Fox News program called “Geraldo At Large." Bob's son Bobby McIlvaine was murdered on September 11, 2001, and Tony Szamboti is part of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Both of them eloquently stated to Rivera that the destruction of Building 7 was not a freak accident, and that there should be a new investigation led by New York City into the events on September 11. And Rivera listened to both men with an open mind and an open heart.
Rivera used to shoot truth-tellers down, and dismiss them as nuts. So it's nice to see him airing 9/11 evidence that counters the official view, although, it wouldn't hurt if he admits that he was wrong by ridiculing 9/11 truth activists a couple of years ago during a live show. Admitting that you were wrong is proof of courage, and a sign of strength. More people need to do it. Rivera should begin the dialogue of national healing in the mainstream media by saying "I was wrong, I'm sorry."
We should compliment Rivera for letting McIlvaine and Szamboti speak on mainstream television and educate his Fox News audience without any interruption or showing any mockery. He is proving that he's not a servile coward by confronting the evidence about the controlled demolition of building 7. God bless him for offering his mainstream platform to truth-tellers.
The political implications of the 9/11 attacks being an inside job are huge, but they don't compare to the suffering that was unleashed after 9/11 upon the American people, members of the U.S. military, members of the British, Canadian, Australian and Coalition forces, and of course, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Crimes against humanity have been committed against the Iraqi people, the Afghan people, and the Palestinian people by U.S., British, and Israeli war criminals; justice needs to be done. It is as simple as that. The bastards need to be strung up.
Maybe more journalists and reporters will follow Rivera's example in the coming weeks, and start talking about building 7, and the BuildingWhat? TV Ad campaign. Imagine if the New York Times published a front-page story about 9/11 Victims' Family Members like Bob McIlvaine and Manny Badillo who are leading the struggle for truth and accountability.
Geraldo Rivera Talks to Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti - November 13, 2010 - Video posted by YouTube user SaveOurSovereignty3:
BuildingWhat? Ad: