November 3, 2010

Empire - The New Arms Race

One day after America's midterm election, we are hearing that Republicans and Democrats must work together to address America's giant debt. But, so far, America's military spending has not even mentioned by the mainstream media clowns, the democratic President, or the new republican recruits who are pleading for "fiscal sanity."

America's debt can be cut without damaging America's national security or hurting senior citizens, workers, middle-class people, rich people, poor people, basically 99% of the country. It is not hard to see what needs to be cut in order for America to survive and prosper. And Social Security is not the problem. Medicare is not the problem. Health care coverage is not the problem. The problem is America's insane/criminal military spending. It accounts for 53 cents out of every taxpayer dollar. And what is the reason? Who is America's formidable foe? China? Nope. China military spending lags far behind that of America's. Islamic terrorists, who only crop up where America's leaders decide to invade? Nope. A rag-tag group of terrorists headed by Osama Bin Laden? Nope. Those rag-tag terrorists are mostly funded and trained covertly by America's intelligence services complex.

If you subtract 50 cents from the 53 cents out of every dollar that America currently spends on war/military then America would be ten times more safe than it is now, and the world, too. Peace in the Middle East is not far-fetched. But it is being prevented by the military industrial complex, and the powerful Zionist lobby in America that is egging on America to attack Iran.

Al Jazeera (from the description of the YouTube video below):
Over the last decade, Washington has doubled its military budget, fuelling massive military build-ups around the world, from the emerging powers in the South China Seas to the multi-billion-dollar arms deals in the Middle East, begging the question where and when this vicious cycle of rising military expenditures will end. Empire asks: what justifies this global military addiction, or, has the world been duped by the multi-national, military industrial complex?

Empire - The New Arms Race - A short clip:
