November 12, 2010

Damon Vrabel's Debunking Money Video Series

Watch Damon Vrabel's amazing video series called "Debunking Money." It is a great teaching tool for people who are unfamiliar with the fraud-based/debt-based private global banking system. Vrabel's presentation is down to earth, and his points are crystal clear. He breaks down the jargon, and gets to the heart of the matter.

This video series is important because it provides a new historical lens to analyze and perceive history. If we are to free mankind in this new millennium, we as citizens must recapture the historical narrative which up to now has been perverted by the ruling international financiers. And to do that we must see history through a new historical struggle; the struggle is not between capitalism and socialism, or Islam and the West, or America and China, but of government-based money versus private banking-based money. Are we going to live in a world in which sovereign governments create and circulate money in their society, or is the private global banking cartel going to dictate to governments around the world how much money should be in the society at any given time? Under one reality, there is freedom for all; under the other, there is freedom for a few.

Vrabel's video series helps us to break free from our collective brainwashing about how economics and politics works, and helps see present and recent world history with new eyes. Contrary to popular liberal opinion, the rulers of the world are not capitalists, they are dictatorial plutocrats. And contrary to popular conservative opinion, the rulers of the world are not socialists, they are dictatorial plutocrats. This ungodly global elite is criminally exploiting the large masses of mankind through usurious interests, and sending soldiers and innocent people to early graves by manufacturing conflicts and wars like the fraudulent "war on terror."

The struggle before all of us is not hard to figure out once we see the huge role that the private global banking system plays in the world. As Vrabel and Max Keiser point out in their conversation on November 5th, the governments of the world must turn the issuance of credit into a matter of public utility or a public resource. Or, we can move towards the direction that Ron Paul and others have suggested, where there are competing currencies in the market. Dr. Paul has also suggested that there be a transition period once America gets rid of private Federal Reserve system, during which the federal government pumps out credit without interest until states, businesses, and people get back on their feet. Vrabel says this is a good idea. But before we can decide such important questions that require a public debate, we must first shed light on the fraud-based/debt-based private global banking cartel that feeds on nations like parasites, and thrives on the public's deep ignorance of its existence, and its methods of control.

The highest honor we can do to past generations of men and women who fought for liberty and sacrificed their lives so that others may live more happily in the future, whether in America's revolutionary war, the Civil War, the Second World War, or whatever war, is to create a world so beautiful and plentiful that it equals their sacrifice.

We can honor the unjust deaths of millions who came before us onto this plane of existence and suffered so that we could live in peace with the gift of freedom. They died not knowing that they were betrayed by officials in power. But that fact does not lessen their bravery, and their selfless sacrifice. What lessens their sacrifice is our lack of appreciation for knowledge and virtue, by us standing still like noting is wrong as a ruthless financial and technological tyranny is being put in place across the West, and the world.

But we can fight this tyranny. We have the possibility now in our hands to change how the world is governed by putting an end to the corrupt international banking system that for decades robbed and destroyed the Third World through the IMF and the World Bank, and which is now doing the same thing to nations in the First World by engineering an artificial depression and transferring trillions of dollars from the people to criminal financial institutions. We must come together as free and independent nations of one world and peacefully overthrow the globalist private banksters. It is treasonous and criminal that global private financiers are denying the global economy its full productive capacity through their unlawfully acquired power of manipulating the issuance of money. And the fact that they are stealing the American people's hard-won money through a fraudulent income tax that goes directly into their pockets adds salt to the wound.

The private banksters who are behind the multigenerational financial pyramid scheme are inherently evil. They represent the dark side of humanity. And they must be faced down, and conquered by free people everywhere. Their acts of treason and crimes against humanity cannot be tolerated any longer. As the English historian Lord Acton wrote more than a century ago; "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." Ladies and gentlemen, the issue that Lord Acton referred to many years ago, the issue of free nations versus a parasitical global banking system, is now at our doorsteps. There are no more excuses. We will be better men and women if we directly address this issue as adults, and end the debt-based/fraud-based global banking system once and for all, in order that future generations of mankind may live in peace, and prosper forever. Anything less is a failure, and a betrayal of future generations of men and women.

Debunking Money (#1): Money, Myth, and Machiavelli

Debunking Money (#2): The US Monetary System and Orwell's Animal Farm

Debunking Money (intro to #3) - Authenticity vs. Corporate Facade

Debunking Money (#3) - Financial Power and the question "End the Fed?"

Debunking Money (#4): 20th Century - Where We've Been

Debunking Money (#5): 21st Century - Where We're Going

Also, read Vrabel's article "Financial Warfare and the Failure of US Military Leadership."