November 12, 2010

An American Coup D’état – First World Nation Style

An American Coup D’état – First World Nation Style
By Cognitive Dissonance
Zero Hedge
Published: November 9, 2010

Some say all this insanity is just greed and corruption run amuck. Others claim the political, financial and judicial process has been co-opted in some type of modern day Coup D’état. Might it be both and could it have taken place much earlier in the decade under the cover of some other triggering event? Please leave your bias and preconceived notions behind as we take a leisurely stroll down memory lane. As usual this is another long one folks so buckle up and enjoy.

Usually it’s pretty obvious when a Coup D'état has occurred. I mean, considering how these things generally go down, it should be pretty clear something just happened. Political earthquakes are normally detectible around the world. In fact, tell tale signs such as blood on the Palace floor, weeping family and/or Cabinet members, sounds of distant explosions or automatic weapons fire and a suspiciously large number of uniformed men carrying AK-47’s (or thanks to some friends in the right places bearing foreign “aid”, M-16’s) while walking the streets are dead giveaways that the ruling elite have rotated under less than optimal conditions. Or at least that might be the perspective of the recently deposed and disposed of leadership. After all, most former “democratic” dictators don’t get to play hide and seek with the opposition by going to ground in a dusty old spider hole. Got fleas?

But all this is just banana republic stuff and merely how the third world rolls, right? I’ve been repeatedly assured by all my social and cultural indoctrination that one of the many hallmarks of civilization in first world countries are the orderly transition of power from one faction to the next. This is almost always done under the auspices of “free and open elections” and the “consent” of the governed. There are simply no shots fired or screams heard in the executive mansion at 3 AM, followed closely by troops in the streets and a media blackout, here in America. It just doesn’t happen.

Hell, the proof of concept is the recently completed mid-term elections here in the FIRST of first world nations. Or at least that’s what we Americans love to believe. Thank God I’ll only be subjected to a few more months of Botox Pelosi, or BP as I like to call her. The perpetually tanned and perfectly coiffed John Boehner (JB of course) will be a welcome relief for these weary old eyes……speaking of course from a purely cosmetic point of view. Everything else is immaterial in the land of HDTV since nothing more than tans and lipstick can be conveyed in 5 or 10 second video clips. Oh, and don’t forget cleavage. God but don’t we just love our televised mammary glands? And I’m ecstatic that JB appears to be turning a sickly shade of orange in sympathetic celebration of the seasonal change of color. But alas I rapidly digress.

Or does this in fact happen here? Or more to the point, has this actually happened here in the UBRSA and someone just sort of......well you know, forgot to tell us? If you think about it for a while, it’s plausible the announcement could have been overlooked in the rush to restore order to the ranks of the elite. So the question needs to be asked. Is it possible that a Coup D'état has transpired here in America and “they” decided we didn’t need (or want) to be informed? Clearly if this is the case there would be some kind of sign, wouldn’t there? Maybe not something quite as obvious as a declaration nailed to the door of the Senate a la Caesar, but possibly some blood soaked rags, a glass of poisoned wine or a few stray hairs we could send off to CSI for fingerprints and DNA.

I can hear the reader’s ego screaming now. “Preposterous, I’d know about it if the government was overthrown.” Or maybe “You just couldn’t keep this large a conspiracy under wraps without someone speaking out.” Or the classic “The American people would never tolerate something this outrageous.” As if a group of conspirators with the guts to pull this off would be so worried about what Joe six pack thought that they wouldn’t even try. Of course, this presumes that the Coup D'état took place out in the open for the entire world to witness and comment upon. “I say old chaps, not very sporting of you to engage in such rude behavior. Let’s put our weapons down, rustle up some tea and crumpets, and discuss this like the gentlemen we are.” Yeah I guess you’re right, it’s simply impossible.

So now that we’ve established that a Coup D'état could never happen in the UBRSA and our egos have been calmed and sensibilities restored, we’re free to suspend disbelief and explore this idea without emotional discomfort. Come on, you know how to suspend disbelief, don’t you? Every time you open a newspaper or book, switch on the radio or flip to any of your 500 TV channels, this is precisely what you’re doing. Particularly if you’re listening to or watching mainstream media (MSM) “news”, which long ago crossed the black hole event horizon and entered The Twilight Zone. So, unless you truly think you’re still safely on the ground with Toto in Kansas and wish to opt out, let’s all hop on the express train to crazy and see where it goes.

Continued. . .