September 10, 2010

Washington’s Blog: The Anniversary of 9/11

Washington’s Blog has compiled a list of senior intelligence officers, 9/11 commissioners, current and former congressmen, and other government officials who question the official 9/11 story in some manner. The author asks, "If there is bipartisan questioning of the official story, why aren’t you questioning it?"

I pose that same question to you. Do you believe in the official story? Do you believe ALL of it? If not, then why aren’t you voicing your skepticism? Every voice matters. We must tread these waters lightly, and avoid general explanations. I fall into that trap sometimes, and try too hard to wrap my mind around the entire deception. It’s better to just narrow down our focus, center our attention on the hardcore facts, and not get off-track.

We can’t put off the task of truth-telling. The truth matters in this world. We can’t consume lies, and pretend that we’ll be alright, and the world will just go on as it has. It won’t. Allowing a big lie about such a crucial event to fester in the public mind for a long period of time gives the war criminals, and war propagandists the confidence to commit more crimes, and tell bigger lies.

If we stay in the dark about what really happened on 9/11, then America’s wars in the Middle East will continue for this decade, and possibly the next one as well. High-level U.S. policy makers in the State Department, and Department of Defense have a vision of a long war, and they are serious about carrying out their designs. The only thing that will stop them is the truth of what happened on 9/11. The public outrage that will rise if the truth is fully known about 9/11 will ultimately shake the foundations of the National Security State.

The lie that Al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 is endlessly repeated, and is used to justify America’s presence in Afghanistan. In his press conference today President Obama was asked a question about Afghanistan, to which he responded as former President George Bush did:

Q: Thank you, Mr. President. Two questions. One, on Afghanistan, how can you lecture Hamid Karzai about corruption when so many of these corrupt people are on the U.S. payroll?

And on the Middle East, do you believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamid — Benjamin — (chuckles) — Benjamin Netanyahu should extend the settlement moratorium as a gesture to peace? And if he doesn’t, what are you prepared to do to stop the Palestinians from walking?

OBAMA: Okay. The — on Afghanistan, we are in the midst of a very difficult but very important project. I just want to remind people why we’re there, the day before September 11th: we’re there because that was the place where al Qaeda launched an attack that killed 3,000 Americans, and we want to make sure that we dismantle al Qaeda and that Afghanistan is never again used as a base for attacks against Americans and the American homeland.
Obama was specifically asked about the corruption of Afghan officials who are on the payroll of the United States, but he evaded that point for the most part, and instead he went out of his way to restate the reasoning for America’s war in Afghanistan. Why did he feel that he had to do that? The reporter didn’t ask him why America was in Afghanistan after nine years, or when America will get out. She asked him point-blank, "how can you lecture Hamid Karzai about corruption when so many of these corrupt people are on the U.S. payroll?" But Obama thought it was somehow necessary once again to let the American people know why America is investing thousands of troops, and hundreds of billions of dollars. And President Obama has given this reminder far too many times for it to be considered normal. He repeats the same point in every major foreign policy speech, and in virtually every response that he gives to a question about Afghanistan. Does he repeat this point because he thinks that the American people are unaware about Al Qaeda, and the reason for war in Afghanistan, so they need to be constantly reminded, or does he think that’s it a good propaganda technique to constantly repeat an untruth?

What kind of man is Barack Obama? Is he an honest man, or a con man? Why does he automatically repeat the justification for the Afghansitan war every time a reporter utters the word "Afghanistan." Is he insecure about the American’s people opinion about the war? Why does he not follow the American public, and get out of the war? Why prolong a war that the majority of Americans do not want to fight in?

Asking these questions can be a little silly. We all know Obama can’t make a powerful decision like ending an war. He’s not in the position to do that. The President of the United States was turned into a office of actors a long time ago. Obama, like Bush and Clinton before him, is half puppet/half criminal. If we want to change the world we have to suck it up, get over the hype about "hope and change," and address the falsehoods in the offical 9/11 story. I passionately beleive that 9/11 truth is a gateway to a better world, a better way. I wouldn’t waste my time if I didn’t think that truth-telling was a hopeless task. It isn’t. The truth is a Mighty powerful force. It shatters illusions, and can snap us out of our coma. The President decided long ago that he will work with darkness, and in darkness; for corrupt powers that have zero regard for justice, truth, and freedom. We must not listen to him because he is not worthy of our attention. Instead, we must step into the light of truth, and promote justice in this world. After the truth is revealed, and justice is done, a peaceful Middle East will be possible, and so will a strong and noble America.