September 11, 2010

Evil In The Name of Good: America From December 25, 1913, To September 11, 2001

"The Almighty has His own purposes," said Abraham Lincoln in his Second Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865. Those five simple words explain a lot. It humbles us in a good way. There are some things in this world that the human mind can't penetrate and understand. Some things happen for a reason, not by chance, but we can never know that reason. We have our own conception of the universe, of where we came from as a species, and where we're going in this century, a question that is left ultimately to us to answer, but there is another hand in the universe, a higher power in creation, and spiritual leaders like Lincoln have reminded their fellow human beings of its existence in times of crisis through the ages. It doesn’t direct mankind towards any course, that is our decision, but it is a benevolent force, and it moves in its own way to restore the good in the world when we decide to move.

I'm not a God-fearing person. And I hardly ever pray. But I am mindful that this life is a gift, and that the idea of a God is a good thing when it is not used as a force for violence. Anybody who speaks of the Almighty today is viewed as a religious extremist, or an unscientific, faith-worshipping idiot. I am neither of those things. If God doesn't exist, if he is merely an early invention by the human mind, then I think it is Man's greatest invention, because the idea that there exists in the universe a power that is greater than us humbles us, and makes us less arrogant, less knowing, less consumed by our own madness. Elevating ourselves as the prime movers of this world causes great ruin.

For the record, I believe in the theory of evolution, but I also believe that evolution is a process that was knowingly instilled into us by a high-minded creator. And I am not a blind admirer of this creator that we call God, or whatever intelligent being(s) that made humanity. I respect the dark powers of life, and sympathize with their rejection of the goodness and beauty of this world. The devil, after all, was the first rebel. Some people flirt with the dark side, but they're not strong enough to avoid being taken in by its charm, and are pushed into signing a pact that seals their independence.

Thomas Mann wrote in his essay on Goethe's Faust that, "Goethe, like Mephisto, is no angelic flatterer of creation; and he invents a devil in order to have a mouthpiece for all the rebellion, denial, and critical bitterness he feels in himself," (1). After a while the devil's tricks get old, but his spirit always attracts new followers because it is lively in its own way. Writing of Mephistopheles, Mann says: "Above all he is the genius of fire, he has reserved to himself that destructive, sterilizing, annihilating element," (2). Goethe did not surrender his will to this force that he knew to be hateful, and small. Mann writes, "Goethe's own attitude towards evil is not uniform; it hovers between recognition and contempt," (3).

The powers of Evil have a small but important role to play in human drama. When evil is done people's ears perk up, and they take in the world through a new understanding, and with a new appreciation for life. Awakening mankind's better nature is the gift of darkness. Evil's constant presence in the world, and its active nature, serves as a reminder to the powers of good that they should not let their guard down. Complacency leads to great misfortunes, and horrible tragedies. The attaks on September 11, 2001 woke a lot of people up, most were misled into following, and doing the work of evil, while others are persistently hunting down the truth of what happened on that day so that justice can be done, and the process of spiritual healing can be freed in the world.

Mann said that Goethe wrote Faust with the knowledge of "Everlasting Goodness," that Man's predicament with evil can be overcome as long as he strives to do good. Mann delivered his essay at Princeton University in 1938, before all hell broke loose on the European continent. At the end of his talk he lamented that the world had "fallen a helpless prey to evil and cynicism," and advised his audience to "hold fast to the anti-diabolic faith," that is always present in mankind. Lincoln held fast to this faith at a critical hour in Mankind's journey to eternal freedom, and under his direction America was saved from division, and sin.

The grand experiment prevalied at least for a couple more generations, but it was then blindly forsaken in the dead of night on Christmas Eve in 1913, the day Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act which granted a cabal of ruthless private bankers the unconstitutional power to create money for the whole nation, which they then lend to the federal government with heavy strings attached. Through deception and propaganda the owners of the diabolical Fed seized America's will, and then by the weapon of debt they put America in financial slavery, a misfortune that many Americans are still unaware of to this day.

In our time much of the world is under the dominion of a private banking system (IMF, World Bank) and there is a hidden agenda under away to keep mankind's dynamic will under this cruel system for many more centuries to come. The only thing that stands in the way of the global financial elite's evil designs for mankind is the public exposure of the many crimes and wars that they've financed through the years in various parts of the world.

From the days of when Ezra Pound was preaching that usury is sin to his radio audience during World War II to the current global political awakening the ongoing project of demystifying the Federal Reserve Bank has been long and hard, and it will take even greater effort to expose this beast from hell. Exposing evil, after all, is no easy task. It takes persistence, and will. But the truth is making significant headway. The crime of September 11, and the ongoing war on freedom by the American empire opened a lot of people's eyes to not just the corruption of the National Security State, but to the reality that a private banking class holds tremendous power over our so-called democratic governments through their ability to create money out of thin air.

December 25th, 1913 will be marked by historians as the day when America descended into tyranny. What date will be listed when they write of its liberation?

1. Mann, T. Essays of Three Decades. Pg. 23.
2. Ibid., 23.
3. Ibid., 27.