A quote from a police brainwashing chief in a FEMA training session on July 19, 2001: "Your founding fathers, my founding fathers, were involved in acts of terrorism against British officials because they systematically had British officials assassinated."
This is so disgusting. Ungrateful and uneducated bastards in FEMA are calling the men who gave birth to their country a bunch of terrorists. Where is their respect? It makes me mad. I hope this view is not widespread because it says a lot about our times that America's greatest patriots are called terrorists by federal government agents. It seems freedom needs to be won again. History needs to be made again. The line between individual liberty and government oppression in America needs to be drawn again.
I am not an American but I will do everything in my peaceful powers to assist in the recovery of America's precious freedoms.
May God bless America's founding fathers. We cannot allow their names to be tarnished.