August 9, 2010

World War Three

Best case scenario: the life-denying regimes of Iran, Israel, and America all perish, and rational citizens take back their governments from each country's corrupt oligarchy and military; all governments around the world chart new a course in the global economy; the further development of alternative energy systems; a global "Manhattan project" to stop civilization's extreme dependence on oil; rainbows, and kittens for every Palestinian and Israeli child.

Worst case scenario: millions upon millions in the Middle East die; authoritarian regimes are unveiled in America, and other Western countries; Israel and Iran self-destruct; the start of a dark technological civilization that features mass surveillance, rationing, economic central planning, scientific control of populations, loss of freedom.

Russia Today interview Ray McGovern and Lt. Col. Ann Wright of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity about an attack on Iran

Russia Today interviews Pat Buchanan about a new war with Iran and its consequences for America