August 22, 2010

The War on WikiLeaks Is A War On You and Me

The evil American empire can't obstruct the work that WikiLeaks is doing around the world. The whistleblowing organization represents nothing less than the democratization of state intelligence. It is revolutionary. It is timely. And it is here to stay.

It's enemies, which includes the Pentagon, and the larger banking-military-industrial-congressional-media complex that makes up the U.S. National Security State, proved their impotence once again as baseless charges of rape by Swedish authorities were brought against WikiLeaks's founder, Julian Assange, only to be discarded less than twenty four hours later. The desperation on the part of "government authorities" is fun to watch. It's like witnessing a great beast crumble in bits and pieces, knowing that the final product will be total dust for evil, and renewed life for good. All rebels, alive and dead, are winning for the first time in a long, long time, thanks to WikiLeaks. And it's success could not have come at a better time. As Glenn Greenwald wrote back in March in his article, "The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters":
"The need for independent leaks and whistle-blowing exposures is particularly acute now because, at exactly the same time that investigative journalism has collapsed, public and private efforts to manipulate public opinion have proliferated. This is exemplified by the type of public opinion management campaign detailed by the above-referenced CIA Report, the Pentagon's TV propaganda program exposed in 2008, and the ways in which private interests covertly pay and control supposedly "independent political commentators" to participate in our public debates and shape public opinion."
In an interview with Greenwald that is included in the article above, Assange stated his reasoning behind the creation of WikiLeaks, and why he is putting himself on the line to get the truth out about dirty governments, and dirty corporations. Assange:

"This information has reform potential. And the information which is concealed or suppressed is concealed or suppressed because the people who know it best understand that it has the ability to reform. So they engage in work to prevent that reform . . . .

There are reasons I do it that have to do with wanting to reform civilization, and selectively targeting information will do that -- understanding that quality information is what every decision is based on, and all the decisions taken together is what "civilization" is, so if you want to improve civilization, you have to remove some of the basic constraints, which is the quality of information that civilization has at its disposal to make decisions. Of course, there's a personal psychology to it, that I enjoy crushing bastards, I like a good challenge, so do a lot of the other people involved in WikiLeaks. We like the challenge."

Greenwald concluded his article by emphasizing the need for critical public support of WikiLeaks, writing; "There aren't many groups more besieged, or doing more important work, than they."

Arthur Silber has written a seven-part (and counting) series about WikiLeaks. In his last installment called, "On Wikileaks (VII): Take Up the Wikileaks Challenge with Pride and Honor," he said;
"While Wikileaks has revealed that most people prefer to obey and to follow the dictates of authority, it provides those of us who decline to obey -- those of us who have decided to withdraw our support -- with both a deeply admirable model and the means of realizing our own potential for resistance. You should grasp that means and that potential, with great pride in your determination to defend genuine freedom and the sanctity of life. Wikileaks offers us a great challenge. We should take up that challenge with pride and honor, and do our utmost to meet it."
In another article, this one titled, "Proudly on Wikileaks' Side," Silber reminds us of Julian Assange's noble goals, which the U.S. government and media have hopelessly tried to twist. Silber:
"Julian Assange seeks to stop the murder and the torture. He seeks to stop the monstrous cruelty. He acts to protect innocent human life."
We need to bear in mind the life-expanding goals of WikiLeaks, and the life-denying goals of the war criminals in the Pentagon, and White House. One aims to bring the truth to light, the other worships darkness, and uses it as a weapon against the American people, and the people of the world; one wants to bring peace to the world, the other is focused on fighting an illegal, century-long war around the world; one is fighting for freedom, democracy, and justice; the other is using the language of freedom, democracy, and justice for the purposes of slavery, tyranny, and injustice. Supporting the goals of WikiLeaks, and rejecting the goals of the evil empire is a simple decision to come to. The evidence is all in front of us. The U.S. empire's guilt is beyond any shadow of doubt. Its crimes are clear as day. As Chris Floyd writes:
"This then is where we are. We have the President of the United States -- who has already openly proclaimed his "right" to assassinate anyone on earth, including American citizens, without the slightest due process of law, simply at his arbitrary command -- now feverishly expanding the use of death squads, whose stealthy night raids on sleeping villages have already killed a vast number of innocent civilians in Afghanistan (as the Wikileaks documents show). This same administration is now running "black ops," secret armies, proxy wars and other covert activities in more than 75 countries around the world. That is to say, the Obama Administration is now murdering people in their beds, fomenting bloody ethnic conflict, supporting and/or carrying out acts of terrorism, spreading corruption, assisting dictators, arming warlords, spreading hate and suffering all over the world -- and doing it knowingly, proudly."
Despite the empire's bloodlust, and its quest to crush any resistance to its evil designs, it is not all-powerful: WikiLeaks's disruption of Washington's institutional nerves has proven this fact. The Pentagon's helplessness in the face of new technologies that shatter the control of authorities will increase until it reaches the point where its bankruptcy can no longer be covered. The entire "War on Terror" project is a hopeless effort to shape, and control the future, and its days are numbered. American society cannot be contaminated forever with the mythology of war, and terrorists. WikiLeaks is helping to unclog the mindset of permanent war. You can hear the careers of war criminals being flushed down the drain right about now. Julian Assange, Pfc. Bradley Manning, and WikiLeaks deserve all the praise for that sucking sound. WikiLeaks must be protected by all of us at all times, because the war on WikiLeaks by corrupt governments and corporations is a war on us, the people of the world.