August 4, 2010

On War, Armies, and the Brilliance of James Madison

On War, Armies, and the Brilliance of James Madison
By Damon Vrabel
Council on Renewal

The mass media’s way of communicating war is basically to put fake tough-guy narcissists like Bill O’Reilly, Joe Biden, or Dick Cheney on your TV screen speaking to the equivalent of a pre-oedipal 2 year old: “there are scary people out there…you need to be terrified…heroic saviors will attack and destroy their bad countries for you so you can maintain your mental fantasy that you’re safe. All you need to do is keep shopping, buying your little toys, while daddy keeps you safe.”

You can already see psychology and spirituality issues in that dialogue. But what about economics? One of the Council on Renewal’s tenets is that we currently live in a world where economics reigns supreme over every other dimension of life, including spirituality and psychology. This is literally embedded in the fabric of our legal system which says that the interests of private capital holders trump everything else in our system…everything…towns, counties, states, nations, families, individual humans. Given this system where Return on Capital (ROC) reigns, to understand the truth behind almost anything, you simply have to follow the big money to see what’s driving it…

So who makes money from war?
1. Mega banks in the cartel behind the Federal Reserve.
2. Military suppliers (Eisenhower called them the military/industrial complex).
3. Private mercenary contractors.
4. National media cartel.
5. Mega infrastructure and oil/mineral/resource corporations.

That’s pretty much all that needs to be said to understand why we’re in a perpetual war. But there’s a particular psychological element to it as well…

Who gains power from war?
- Royal families and the sick narcissists who pursue political power to rule the populations of the world.

This nexus of monetary gain (economics) and narcissistic power (psychology) explains most of human history, especially war. And what is the impact on individual spirituality, psychology, and economics?

Continued. . .