August 19, 2010

The Great Terror Game

As another summer of war draws to a close in Baghdad with the deadliest attack of the year, there is growing anxiety in the region that U.S. and Israel will attack Iran within the coming months. Israeli propagandist Jeffrey Goldberg declared in the Atlantic magazine last week in an article titled 'The Point of No Return' that Israel is ready to strike key targets of Iran's nuclear program, even if it has to under the cover of night.

Larry Derfner responded to the paranoia, and fear-mongering of Israeli leaders in The Jerusalem Post, writing:
"Goldberg’s sources say Israelis will flee the country if Iran gets nuclear weapons; if that’s so, imagine how many will run from a bloodied, shell-shocked, leper state. The powers-that-be say Israel cannot risk another Holocaust; sounds to me like their Holocaust mania is creating what could become a self-fulfilling prophecy."
Fears of a nuclear-armed Iran hell-bent on Israel's destruction have been voiced for years, and they are still hard to take seriously. The Israeli people are the greatest victims of this blatant propaganda by the leaders of Israel because of the constant fear they are in for their survival. Such a state of fear is unjustified, and cruel. Also, Iran has a more honest case than Israel that their security is threatened. Israel has a stockpile of nuclear weapons, and the characteristics of a belligerent state, while Iran, which has not attacked a single country in recent memory, is constantly bullied by America, and Israel. Plus, it's well known by intelligent analysts that Iran is in the possession of zero nuclear weapons at the moment. According to U.S. intelligence agencies Iran terminated its nuclear weapons program in 2003, and has since restricted its nuclear capabilities to the production of nuclear energy. The agencies released a National Intelligence Estimate in 2007, concluding; "We continue to assess with moderate-to-high confidence that Iran does not currently have a nuclear weapon."

Unsurprisingly, the NIE report did not make it into Goldberg's piece, who decided long ago to serve as a big amplifier for Israel's most perverted leaders. Rather than inform the public, Goldberg's job is to present delusional remarks by hardcore Zionists as perfectly legitimate and sane to a U.S. audience. Goldberg also played a big role in the public disinformation campaign in the lead up to the Iraq war by hyping false intelligence about non-existent WMDs in his 2002 New Yorker article called 'The Great Terror.' In October 2002, before the destruction of Iraq, and the murder of one million innocent human beings by American forces, Goldberg predicted that the U.S. invasion of Iraq would be judged by global public opinion as an act of "profound morality." Goldberg hasn't yet expressed apologies to the Iraqi people for his role in the destruction of Iraq. He clearly lacks any sense of guilt, or remorse; a symptom that is shared by the U.S. establishment.

An American attack on Iran that comes nearly sixty years after America overthrew Iran's democratically elected leader in 1953 will be judged as another act of profound criminality by the United States government. It is hard to predict how a war with Iran will unfold, but it is a sure bet that it will set off a wider war in the region, and quickly evolve into what we have all feared for so long, World War III.

Middle East analyst Mahan Abedin writes in his article, "The Illusion of a ‘limited war’ against Iran," that despite public assurances by warmongers, and political leaders that the Iranian Islamic regime will collapse under military pressure, and the people of Iran will rise up against their religious overlords, the exact opposite will most likely occur. Abedin:
"Not only will it awaken the sleeping giant of Iranian nationalism, thus aligning the broad mass of the people with the regime, it will also shore up Iran’s image in the region and prove once and for all that the Islamic Republic is prepared to fight to the death to uphold its principles. Suddenly Iran’s allies in the region – particularly non-state actors like Hezbollah and Hamas – would stand ten feet tall."
Underestimating the capability of Iran to defend itself against a U.S.-Israeli attack is extreme foolishness. The war won't end without the use of nuclear weapons by either the U.S. or Israel, as that is the only way that Iran can be defeated on its own soil. Similarly, it was foolishly claimed at the start of World War I, in the summer of 1914, that the war would be short, and every soldier would be home by Christmas, but the horrific war had barely begun in the winter of 1914 - and it continued for another four years.

The breakout of that war saw jubilant crowds gather in the streets of Berlin, Paris, and London in anticipation of coming glory for their respective countries, however, by the end, glory had lost its magical power, and the excitement for fighting turned into dread, and disillusionment.

Historian Modris Eksteins writes in his book, "Rites of Spring : The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age," that during the course of the war fiction took hold of the public imagination, and subsequently, in the years after the war, history became less of an authority than myth. The invention of stories replaced hardcore truth; propaganda conquered science, morality, and facts. "Wish, fantasy, and illusion," says Eksteins, "increasingly would become dictators over reality as the war -- and as the century -- advanced," (pg. 160). Presently, illusion is overpowering reality around the globe, but especially in the West. Americans, Canadians, and the people of other Western nations are under the information siege of an Orwellian media. We have all been lied to about 9/11, and the real nature of the War on Terror for nine years and counting by U.S., NATO, and Israeli leaders.

Behind the facade of the War on Terror lies a corporate globalist empire based in America, and a criminal, racist state called Israel that arrogantly deems any resistance to its crimes against humanity as a crime itself. The threat posed by Islamic extremism to the West is an invention that has justified in the public mind criminal acts by America, NATO, and Israel in the Middle East. As one government official from Kazakhstan said in 2002; "It is clear that the continuing war in Afghanistan is no more than a veil for the US to establish political dominance in the region. The war on terrorism is only a pretext for extending influence over our energy resources."

Ottawa-based writer, and researcher Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya goes into much detail about the deadly return of the "Great Game" to global affairs, and what it means for the world in his 2007 article called, "The "Great Game" Enters the Mediterranean: Gas, Oil, War, and Geo-Politics." The "Great Game" is a term that dates back the 19th century when the empires of England, and Russia competed for Central Asia. In our age, public sentiments have changed for the better, and military aggression is treated as an international crime, but that hasn't stopped governments from staging false flag attacks to justify illegal land grabs, and resource wars.

The history of false flag attacks in the 20th century deserves a hundred page book, but here is the short definition; terrorists acts by one group that are falsely blamed on another group for strategic or propaganda advantage. The motive for such attacks is to sway public opinion to support a war, or a cause that would otherwise be opposed. False flag attacks are a staple in U.S. foreign policy. James Bamford, author of bestselling books, "A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies" and, "The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America," explains the secret false-flag U.S. government plan from 1962 called Operation Northwoods in this short 3 minute video.

Public knowledge of false flag attacks is limited, but it is growing rapidly. Many members of Congress are equally ignorant about the subject, as they are regularly denied classified information, but some have raised suspicious over the years about the true nature of U.S. foreign policy, and the undemocratic suppression of information regarding National Security issues. Recently, declassified Senate transcripts revealed that U.S. senators in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had grave doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin story that justified the escalation of the Vietnam War. During a Senate session in February 1968, Senator Frank Church voiced the need for full government transparency about matters of war. He said:
"In a democracy you cannot expect the people, whose sons are being killed and who will be killed, to exercise their judgment if the truth is concealed from them."
Government officials across the world have voiced their concerns about the official story of 9/11. One of them is Pakistan's General Hamid Gul, who served as the head of Pakistan's ISI from 1987-1989. He has said numerous times that 9/11 was a false flag attack. On Monday, August 16, he spoke to Alex Jones in a historic interview about the true origins of the war on terrorism, the real reasons for America's presence in Central Asia, and the religious connections between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Gen. Gul said that the divide between Islam, and the West can be peacefully bridged because it is not that great, and that the myth of the clash of civilizations must be countered with real facts, and real history about the source of the conflict. He also said that America's dark imperial agenda is not a reflection of American values, and can be defeated by the American people once they arm themselves with the truth. Gen Gul:
“There is no need for the dark impulse in the American system. I won’t say the American people, because they are so good, it is in the American system that the dark impulse has to be removed – and it can only be removed by the American people.”
Since 9/11, America, Israel, and NATO have gotten away with murder, and crimes against humanity in the Islamic world under the cover that they are fighting a "War on Terrorism" - a war that is driven by invisible threats, and sustained because of uncritical obedience to government. Many anti-war activists are still blind. The truth about artificial intelligence regarding Afghanistan, and Iraq goes much deeper than the lies about Iraq's WMDs. They go right to the bottom, right to the inception of the war on terrorism, right to the official made-up story about Al Qaeda's attack on America.

To chart a better course for humanity as the world marks the point of no return in the Middle East, it is necessary that we go back to the beginning of the War on Terror, to the day of 9/11, and question every piece of the official story. The 9/11 truth movement needs to take public questioning of the official story to another level. So far, our collective ignorance, and uncritical obedience has resulted in the death of one million human beings, the destruction of two beautiful countries, and the loss of our freedoms in the West. Much greater consequences await us, and the people of the Middle East if we do not resist the vicious propaganda by our media, and governments with the moral force of the truth.

Non-violent resistance is possible, but we must get out of denial, and admit that our leaders, and institutions have failed us. It is time to organize in the streets, in front of national parliaments, inside city hall, and at news stations. And we must do so with the spirit of defiance. If we do not act with courage, and bravery then the police state goons will eat us alive. We cannot back down in their sight. We cannot be intimidated. We are in the right. We are for the truth, freedom, and peace. They are for nothing.

The criminals, traitors, and propagandists behind 9/11 will face justice only if we raise truth-telling to heights that will put fear into the powers that be, and make them rethink their opinion of us, that we're all slaves. We must twist the language of division into the language of unity, reshape the narrative about the false wars, and end the illegal War on Terror.

Every man, and woman needs to be educated that Islam is not the enemy of the Western World. The true enemy of the West is the powerful, and cunning dark elite within the West that denies the values of the Enlightenment, disgraces the liberal tradition, and mocks international law with Machiavellian zeal. We can defeat this arrogant enemy within. We can end the Middle East horror show, and pursue peaceful and economic cooperation in Central Asia. The Western governments, and corporations that presently dominate the region, and crush innocent human beings day and night are committing horrible crimes against humanity at the cost of friendship, and harmony. If we challenge these undemocratic authorities with the same determination that they commit crimes then the fruits of global freedom, and the fruits of universal brotherhood will both be within our grasp. At this critical time in history, the American people must let the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution be their guide, and their Founding Fathers as their shining example. I will do all I can to assist in this fight.

It is important that we all reflect on the real American tradition, and not the evil empire it is today. The late Senator Robert Byrd delivered one of the greatest speeches on the eve of the Iraq war, voicing his love for his country, and his disappointment about its current direction. We should all listen to his words, and seek to it that America restores its honor, prestige, and freedom.
"I believe in this beautiful country. I have studied its roots and gloried in the wisdom of its magnificent Constitution. I have marveled at the wisdom of its founders and framers. Generation after generation of Americans has understood the lofty ideals that underlie our great Republic. I have been inspired by the story of their sacrifice and their strength.

But, today I weep for my country. I have watched the events of recent months with a heavy, heavy heart. No more is the image of America one of strong, yet benevolent peacekeeper. The image of America has changed. Around the globe, our friends mistrust us, our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned." - Sen. Robert Byrd, March 19th, 2003