by Dee Nicholson
Co Executive Director
National Health Federation of Canada
Hidden in the language of Bill C-36, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, is a clause which makes Canadians "subject to the dictates of foreign authorities", which are undefined but could mean anything from a foreign government to a trade association like the WTO, NAFTA, CETA, etc., to the United Nations.
This direct transfer of Canadian sovereignty to an unnamed foreign agency can happen at any time, without Parliamentary or public oversight, and it has happened before. In fact, at last month's G20 conference, Prime Minister Harper admitted the surrendering of sovereignty was occurring economically, and treated it as a "fact of life"; we find this astounding, given that Harper was adamant in recent years about protecting this same sovereignty, and had until that moment not breathed a word about the fact that instead, he was giving it away without our knowledge or consent.
Continued. . .
August 5, 2010
Canada Forfeits Sovereignty Over Food & Natural Health
Canada Forfeits Sovereignty Over Food & Natural Health