July 26, 2010


Apparently, America's secret government is killing bad guys covertly in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and, get this, a lot of innocent people are getting killed in the process. Like, women and children. Like babies. OMG! Phone the New York Times. Call the Post. Oh, and also, this is unbelievable, but, uhh, Gen. Gul and his band of Paki resisters are teaming up with the Taliban to kill America's bravest and finest. Tell them we've got over 90,000 military reports to confirm this. 90,000! That will show them. THIS will blow the whole cover off the war in Afghanistan. OMG!!! The Inter tubes will jizz. The CIA will FREAK. Obama will suspend his vacation. IT WILL BE THE BIGGEST THING, EVERR!!

I think the British have a word for this: Bollocks!

And what's this talk about "evidence of war crimes." Haven't the people gotten the message by now? THE WHOLE THING IS A WAR CRIME. All the evidence has already been established. The Great Vincent Bugliosi has taken care of that. The evidence has been restricted from a U.S. court, and is barely advancing through the submerged court of public opinion, but in the court of the higher law, judgment on America's government was handed down a while ago: America's political and military leaders are monsters, criminals, liars, traitors, two-faced backstabbers, and buffoons, who deserve to rot in hell. I didn't need the All-Merciful WikiLeaks to tell me that.

Chris Floyd:

Where then are the "revelations"? Anyone who has regularly read, well, the New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel could not remotely be surprised by any of the facts (as opposed to the oceans of spin and supposition) buried in this mountain of leakage. These are not the Pentagon Papers or the Downing Street Memos; they do almost nothing to alter the public image of the war, and tell almost nothing that we don't already know.
Wiki's Leaks are Squeaky Clean. Too clean. The organization's core mission, which, if I'm not mistaken, is to end all wars, will never be achieved unless the fact of false-flag operations are exposed, and admitted. The biggest leak in the War on Terror is 9/11 truth, everything else doesn't matter, and it has been leaking for almost nine years now, a fact that the alternative media, and the peace movement has been ignoring, and avoiding like the plague.

Until the peace movement gets serious about 9/11 truth, it can't be called a peace movement. It is the coward movement. And the alternative media is the fearful/chicken shit media. They are UNSERIOUS. They are FOOLS. They are SLOW. They are COWARDS.

Sadly, Wiki Speaks, and says nothing new.