July 20, 2010

The Obama and Osama Deception

In this past decade the world has been the victim of multiple deceptions; military, political, and economic. The military deception is the War on Terrorism, "the hunt for Osama", which is grounded in the 9/11 attacks - a false-flag operation; the political deception is Barack "Hope" Obama, who promised to bring change, and transparency to Washington D.C., but hasn't delivered on many of his promises; and the economic deception is the criminal heist of the public wealth by Wall Street banksters, which began in September 2008, and shows no signs of stopping, in fact, a new heist of Social Security funds is currently in the works.

I'll begin with the first deception, the false-flag terrorist attacks on 9/11, which was wrongly blamed on Osama Bin Laden, and Muslim extremists, and then promoted by the U.S. government, and establishment media as the rallying cry for a new "long war" against international terrorism. The attacks also served as the excuse for criminal U.S. aggression against two innocent countries in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

The identity of the truly guilty individuals behind 9/11 can not be fully established, but it can be said with almost complete confidence that highly powerful individuals within the Bush administration, and the larger U.S. national security state represent one of the parties. This assertion is backed by, 1) scientific investigations of the WTC dust by American physicist Steven E. Jones, and Danish scientist Niels Harrit, who concluded that nano-thermite was in the dust; and, 2) strong evidence that has been diligently gathered by the 9/11 truth movement, which includes architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Professor David Ray Griffin, author of, "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11," and, "The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False."

The "War on Terror" is the Osama deception, and its exposure to the general public in the United States, and the world, is not just a matter of justice, and truth, but of human survival. The slogan of our times is: "9/11 was an inside job; to believe otherwise is suicide." Once the myth about the dangerous threat posed to the U.S. and the world by Al Qaeda is exposed, and the ramifications of this new knowledge are clearly understood by both policy makers, and the public, a rational response to terrorism can then be taken by the various governments of the world. From my understanding, terrorism is a limited threat, and where it does exist, particular in Muslim nations, it is mostly a response to foreign occupation, and U.S. imperialist policies, and partly an expression of the violent rhetoric that exists in some Islamic teaching. If America was guided by honest motives, and had true peaceful goals in the Middle East, then the support of the Islamic extremists in the Muslim world would die down severely, and probably be completely absent within a generation.

The second deception, the political ascendancy of Barack H. Obama, was probably more masterfully done than the 9/11 deception, but luckily, Obama has lost his original effect, and the American people are starting to see through his fraudulent persona. The world has found out over the last year and a half that Obama is far from the liberal reformer that he claimed to be when he was a candidate, and that he is actually an elitist puppet. His adamant support of Wall Street, and the secret policies of the Federal Reserve Bank, which are opposed across the political spectrum, show him to be a pseudo-populist. But it is a mistake to view Obama as just a puppet; he's also a war criminal. The war in Afghanistan, which he has escalated since his installation to the White House, is a crime against humanity. Under international law, he is guilty of war crimes. Also, he is a violator of the U.S. constitution, so whichever way you cut it, he is a lawless president.

The third deception, the one that brings the other two together, is the economic fraud that is the Federal Reserve Bank, which underpins all U.S. monetary policy, and Wall Street criminality. This deception has been kept hidden from the American people, and the world for almost a century, but the recent financial collapse has triggered new public understanding about the masters of money, and their powerful influence in the economy. Their fingerprints were all over the housing bubble, and subsequent crash. Through various financial gambling techniques, the Fed, Goldman Sachs, and other banks swindled millions of Americans, and then once the market crashed in 2008, they demanded a huge bailout from the government. Their actions can only be called "looting." Nothing else fits the description. Overall, the Fed and Wall Street's activities amount to a giant ponzi scheme.

Since the 1980's, under the guise of "globalization," the nations of the world have been made deliberately poorer, especially America. The financial sovereignty of the nation-state has been reduced to the point where it merely serves as a front company for the world's private central banks, and transnational corporations.

What’s hard to believe at first, but certainly can’t be refuted after a person looks at all the facts is that the ongoing collapse of the world economy has been engineered by the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve, and Wall Street. The elimination of the middle-class in the United States was not a freak of history, but the outcome of government policy that was agreed on by both the Democrats, and Republicans.

Economist Dean Baker gives a good account of what's coming next for America in his article, "The Attack of the Real Black Helicopter Gang: The IMF Is Coming for Your Social Security." Journalist, and author Glenn Greenwald shows how America fell so low in his article, "The Real U.S. Government." Greenwald:
So long as the word Terrorism continues to be able to strike fear in the hearts of enough citizens and media stars -- as Communism did before it -- the political class, no matter who is elected, will be petrified to oppose any of this, even if they wanted to, and why would they want to? They wouldn't and they don't. And it thus grows and becomes more powerful, all justified by endless appeals to The Terrorists.

That's why it is difficult to imagine -- short of some severe citizen unrest -- how any of this will be brought under control. One of the few scenarios one can envision for such unrest involves growing wealth disparities and increasingly conspicuous elite corruption. In The New York Times today, investment banker and former Clinton Treasury official Roger Altman announced that the alleged "tension between President Obama and the business community" can be solved only if the political class is willing to "fix Social Security" -- i.e., to slash Americans' retirement security. Sooner or later (probably sooner), one way or another (probably this way), that's going to happen. It's inevitable. As George Carlin put it several years ago, in an amazingly succinct summary of so many things:

And now, they're coming for your Social Security money - they want your fucking retirement money - they want it back - so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They'll get it. They'll get it all from you sooner or later. Because they own this fucking place. It's a Big Club: and you're not in it.

That's really the only relevant question: how much longer will Americans sit by passively and watch as a tiny elite become more bloated, more powerful, greedier, more corrupt and more unaccountable -- as the little economic security, privacy and freedom most citizens possess vanish further still? How long can this be sustained, where more and more money is poured into Endless War, a military that almost spends more than the rest of the world combined, where close to 50% of all U.S. tax revenue goes to military and intelligence spending, where the rich-poor gap grows seemingly without end, and the very people who virtually destroyed the world economy wallow in greater rewards than ever, all while the public infrastructure (both figuratively and literally) crumbles and the ruling class is openly collaborating on a bipartisan, public-private basis even to cut Social Security benefits?

The answer, unfortunately, is probably this: a lot longer. And one primary reason is that our media-shaped political discourse is so alternatively distracted and distorted that even shining light on all of this matters little.
The response to media misinformation, and its endless catalog of distractions, must not be apathy, or silence, but hardcore activism, and hardcore truth. We must shout from the rooftops about the three deceptions that I named, and march in the streets against our various governments, and media institutions - until enough of them who work there come to their senses, and join the call for truth, justice, and freedom. Peaceful confrontation with politicians, government officials, and establishment journalists, in the vein of the guys and gals at We Are Change, should become a common occurrence. There are no more excuses to remain inactive, and quiet. Our future is on the line. Your future. My future. Your children's future. Do you want a free, just, and politically sane future? Or the opposite? If we allow the banking-corporate-political-media elite to decide humanity's future, then who are we really? Sheep? Something to be molded, and directed? Where is the dignity in that? We should try the politics of freedom for a change, and act in the best interests of the majority of our species, not just the criminal few.