July 18, 2010

Kingdom of Deception

A Kingdom with a weak and deformed King is prone to adore illusions, and believe in falsehoods. In the absence of true and strong leadership, dark wizards take advantage of the situation by grabbing hold of the King's ear to manipulate him, and misdirect the Kingdom's blood, and treasure to the diabolical ends of powerful forces, who are either inside or outside the Kingdom, that wish the Kingdom ill. The scene from the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers involving King Theoden of Rohan, and Grima Wormtongue illustrates the master-slave relationship between a weak King, and a deceptive wizard who misleads the King by giving him false information, and unwise advise. There are various explanations why a certain King devolves into such a miserable state, and allows his Kingdom to be run by jackals, liars, and swindlers. He could be poisoned, deceived, shamed, or just plain foolish, all of which makes a man, let alone a King, servile, and worthless.

America is such a Kingdom, where illusions, and falsehoods rule. The country suffers due to a lack of honest leadership. The true King was once embodied by John F. Kennedy, the last President who strongly challenged the powerful forces in the country like the CIA and the private banking establishment. But he was brutally murdered in front of the whole world on November 22, 1963. Forty-seven years later, and the American Kingdom is on the verge of bankruptcy, and in complete disarray. After Kennedy's death, any politician who was wise to the situation knew not to cross the line, and challenge any policy that favored the Establishment, unless they wanted to be killed, or out of a job. So, understandably, the Presidents that followed Kennedy have not been real Presidents. They are dependent on the powerful forces in the country, and indebted to their services.

Former President Ronald Reagan was a King similar to King Theoden in his vegetative state. Weak, and motionless, he allowed his administration to be corrupted by George H.W. Bush, the manipulative insiders of the CIA, the Zionist lobby, and the other powerful organs of the depraved U.S. establishment. Former President Carter, though a bright intellectual, was outsmarted, and outmaneuvered by these same groups in the October Surprise affair, as journalist Robert Parry documents in his article, "The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter." Nixon was also done in by Papa Bush, and the rest of the gang, but in a different fashion. Retelling Russ Baker's discoveries of the Bush Family in his book, "Family of Secrets," Dave Emory writes:
"Ana­lyz­ing the Water­gate scan­dal, Russ devel­ops com­pelling infor­ma­tion indi­cat­ing that Water­gate was far from being the “re-affirmation” of Amer­i­can demo­c­ra­tic prin­ci­ples that it is rep­re­sented as being. Rather, that his­tor­i­cal episode was a care­fully orches­trated coup d’etat, exe­cuted by well-placed oppo­nents of Nixon with strong con­nec­tions to the intel­li­gence community.

George H.W. Bush appears to have been a major player in this oper­a­tion. The Water­gate gam­bit fun­da­men­tally reflected the events of 11/22/1963, while antic­i­pat­ing and set­ting the stage for much of what fol­lowed in suc­ceed­ing decades.

Under­stand­ing Water­gate neces­si­tates under­stand­ing the rela­tion­ship between Nixon and the Bush clan. Review­ing an aspect of Nixon’s career, Baker reviews the role of Prescott Bush in the polit­i­cal ele­va­tion of “Tricky Dick.”

Prescott Bush appears to have launched Nixon’s polit­i­cal career with a visit to Los Ange­les. Prescott appears to have trav­eled to LA in order to recruit a GOP can­di­date to defeat Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jerry Voorhees, who was push­ing to reg­u­late Wall Street. (At the time, Brown Broth­ers, Harriman–Prescott’s employer–was heav­ily involved with the pur­chase of defense indus­tries in the L.A. area. Dresser Indus­tries, also close to the Harriman/Bush axis, was active in the petro­leum busi­ness in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. These rela­tion­ships were the foun­da­tion of Prescott’s polit­i­cal con­nec­tions to the pow­er­ful, reac­tionary Chan­dler fam­ily [pub­lish­ers of The Los Ange­les Times]. The Chan­dlers, in turn, were deci­sive sup­port­ers of Nixon’s cam­paign to defeat Voorhees.)

This debt of Nixon’s to the Bush fam­ily may well explain why, despite his antipa­thy toward the East­ern Estab­lish­ment, Nixon appointed Poppy to posi­tions that bur­nished his pro­fes­sional resume for future con­sid­er­a­tion. Nixon named Poppy Ambas­sador to the United Nations and, later, chair­man of the Repub­li­can National Com­mit­tee. Bush would later play a fun­da­men­tal role in the removal of Richard Nixon from power, after he began to turn away from the inter­ests who had pro­moted him to the White House in the first place."
It was to be expected that in a Kingdom corrupted by the pursuit of power that a family like the Bushes, which serves more powerful interests, and who follow in the tradition of elitist families from the European world, would rise in American politics. But their influence, and the greater influence of the banking elite can't be tolerated any longer. There is no time to fool around. It is the Twelfth Hour in the Kingdom, and far greater damage awaits it if a true President does not retake the White House soon.

The election of Barack H. Obama, which a lot of people assumed would bring in a new era to American politics, did not signal the rebirth of America's constitutional republic, but the opposite; a new authoritarian international order. Obama's ascendancy was not a rising sun, but the setting of a hidden darkness. And we shall all suffer if we fail to answer the calling of history: expose Obama for the fraud that he is, as well as the other frauds of our time. We must defeat all manifestations of tyranny in all nations. Freedom is a human birth right. Geography, race, sex, nationality, religion; none of these should block people's aspirations for independence, and freedom. There must be Freedom For Palestine. Freedom For Israel. Freedom For The Middle East. Freedom For The West. Freedom For The Whole World.

II. In Deception, The World Was Lost

I don't know if we are fallen beings, but we are always falling. Despite having reached new heights, humanity has long ways to go. Before we decide to run off, and get lost in space, it is critical that we master planet Earth first, and that includes, most of all, the political sphere. Politics must serve humanity's best interests, not the other away around. Men's free instincts, self expression, and economic pursuits, so as long as they are not of a criminal nature, must always be encouraged, and the state must always be treated like a "dangerous servant," as George Washington wisely said.

The American state, the most powerful in human history, has not been treated like a "dangerous servant," for the past eighty years, ever since the beginning of the Great Depression, but wrongfully worshiped as an honest broker, and faithful protector. And so, like any state would do, it has run roughshod over America, and almost everywhere else. Between its own borders, it has deceived, stolen from, and spied on the American people, unjustly imprisoned many young people, mostly black, under the guise of fighting a criminal Drug War, and killed two of America's greatest leaders, Kennedy and King; beyond its borders, it has killed millions, tortured thousands, and robbed nations of their political and economic independence. Its greatest crime against humanity is the fraudulent War on Terrorism, whose origins are now considered a lie by a considerable majority of the world.

The names of the true perpetrators behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks are still unknown, but the world has a pretty good idea of who did it, and why they did it, and it surely wasn't Osama Bin Laden's gang of cave dwellers. The traitors in the Bush administration bear responsibility, so do the U.S. intelligence community, military, and mass media; and oh yeah, Israel, too. Christopher Bollyn outlines how he believes the powerful, and maniacal Zionist establishment orchestrated the attacks in his article, "How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11." Bollyn writes that when evil goes unpunished, it is only emboldened to do more evil in the future; "The most serious criminals of the Zionist state have never been punished in any meaningful way by the international community - or the United States. This laissez faire attitude regarding Zionist criminals has only enabled and emboldened the most unscrupulous and aggressive criminals to rise to the top of the Israeli government, where they sit today."

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of U.S. Army War College,
is another individual who offers up roughly the same hypothesis as Bollyn. He made the case that Israel's Mossad was behind the attacks in his September, 2009 article called, "Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: 9/11 and Beyond," and further revealed his views about the official 9/11 story, and subsequent cover-up on "The Ugly Truth" podcast in March 15, 2010.

Recently, a video has surfaced on the web of a 2001 interview with Israel's Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu that shows his admission of manipulating the Oslo Accords. Netanyahu, unaware that the camera was recording his words, also said, “I know what America is, America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction." A transcript of the video can be read on Mondoweiss.

Tricky Bibi's sinister tricks further cemented people's beliefs that Israel is not interested in peace, but in war, and that it will use lies, and trickery to get what it wants. Professor William A. Cook said in an article called "A Nation Born in Deception," that: "Control and manipulation of the events coming out of Palestine has been and continues to be the modus operandi of the Zionist leaders of the state of Israel." The manipulation of another besieged land by the Zionist leaders, America, is on some levels more outrageous than their manipulation of the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

But the world can't live in a state of deception forever. The truth is emerging in all corners. Back in April of 2007, Manuel Valenzuela wrote in an essay called, "The Unearthing: An Awakening Has Arrived":
"The truth is apparent, it can no longer be denied. The 9/11 Truth Movement thrives because it has truth and a quest for justice on its side. It has the power of the naked eye, for WTC 7 video footage cannot lie. It has physics, science, witnesses and research into government action and inaction. It has technology, experts and whistleblowers. It has honor, integrity and momentum. Of course there will always be 30 percent of the population that will never be made to believe in the criminality of its right wing heroes, even if the button for the controlled demolitions is put in front of their face. These 30 percent are sheeple, individuals comprising the army of good Americans, the most ignorant and closed minded people around. The Movement will never convince them. The challenge is reaching the millions who do have free-thinking minds, those who can put common sense and science and reason together."
Although the 9/11 truth movement is growing, and the overall awakened population is large, there are still lots of people who can't rethink 9/11, and many of them identify themselves as democrats, or with the traditional left. They view themselves as free thinkers, and sophisticated intellectuals - unlike those "non-intellectual, faith-worshiping Christian fundamentalists." The funny part is that both groups belong in the same camp on the topic of 9/11. They dismiss all kinds of evidence about it: scientific, circumstantial, video footage, eye witnesses. They can't face the facts. Writer Joe Keohane sheds lighting on this troubling reality about modern democracies, the inability to face facts by a lot of people, in his article for the Boston Globe called, "How facts backfire." He says:
"Recently, a few political scientists have begun to discover a human tendency deeply discouraging to anyone with faith in the power of information. It’s this: Facts don’t necessarily have the power to change our minds. In fact, quite the opposite. In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger."
Keohane's article is well worth reading. The findings of the researchers that he cites correspond to the conclusions by psychologist Gregory W. Lester in his December 2000 article called, "Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die." Lester writes:
"Because beliefs are designed to enhance our ability to survive, they are biologically designed to be strongly resistant to change. To change beliefs, skeptics must address the brain’s “survival” issues of meanings and implications in addition to discussing their data."
Lester says that since our brain is tasked with keeping us alive, it is not enough to present facts that contradict our false beliefs, and misconceptions. The reason it takes a long time before people see the light, so to speak, is that they are literally afraid for their lives. A new revelation, such as 9/11 was not committed by Islamic terrorists, unravels the person's whole worldview, and he is unprepared to accept a new one. A part of him dies by accepting the new truth. And if the truth is big, then a big part of him dies. Lester:
"Because every brain activity serves a fundamental survival purpose, the only way to accurately understand any brain function is to examine its value as a tool for survival. Even the difficulty of successfully treating such behavioral disorders as obesity and addiction can only be understood by examining their relationship to survival. Any reduction in caloric intake or in the availability of a substance to which an individual is addicted is always perceived by the brain as a threat to survival. As a result the brain powerfully defends the overeating or the substance abuse, producing the familiar lying, sneaking, denying, rationalizing, and justifying commonly exhibited by individuals suffering from such disorders."
Lester advises us that the battle for Reason must not be waged with heavy hearts, and heavy voices. We can't slander the people who won't accept the real facts about 9/11, or any facts, as "sheeple," and "non-humans." They are who they are: fearful, ignorant humans. Ignorance is a curse, but it is not a crime. And humanity has never truly lived in a state of total enlightenment. Facts have never held much weight in society, it's always been religious or political authority that dictated people's view of reality. Throughout much of our history, the ideas of Reason, and the boundaries of rational debate were unknown, or ignored. Lester, again:
"Skeptics must remember to always keep their eye on the goal. They must see the long view. They must attempt to win the war for rational beliefs, not to engage in a fight to the death over any one particular battle with any one particular individual or any one particular belief. Not only must skeptics’ methods and data be clean, direct, and unbiased, their demeanor and behavior must be as well."
The babel-like nature of our information age has produced endless confusion, but the opportunity for unity still exists. Currently, people are living different world destinies, some are eying Islamic sainthood in a new Islamic empire; others are eying the Rapture; fighting for a greater Israel; working to build a new world order; spreading knowledge to awake, and shake people out of their sleep. Clearly, Mankind is divided, and facts are proving to be incapable in bringing everybody together, into one reality.

Historian Christopher Lasch identified the disappearance of public debate about controversial issues as the reason for the "lost art of argument," a title of a chapter in his book "The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy." He said:
"Since the public no longer participates in debates on national issues, it has no reason to inform itself about civic affairs. It is the decay of public debate, not the school system (bad as it is), that makes the public ill informed, notwithstanding the wonders of the age of information. When debate becomes a lost art, information, even though it may be readily available, makes no impression," (Lasch, The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy, pg. 162).
In the next paragraph, Lasch says that public debate, and democracy go hand in hand. But we can't have public debate without a free press, and full transparency in government. Even more critical is the recognition of the freedom of thought. Lasch:
"What democracy requires is vigorous public debate, not information. Of course, it needs information too, but the kind of information it needs can be generated only by debate. We do not know what we need to know until we ask the right questions, and we can identify the right questions only by subjecting our own ideas about the world to the test of public controversy. Information, usually seen as the precondition of debate, is better understood as its byproduct. When we get into arguments that focus and fully engage our attention, we become avid seekers of relevant information. Otherwise we take in information passively--if we take it in at all, " (pg. 162-163).
Putting aside the corporate/government conformist press, Western society and culture is largely free, especially with the growth of the internet in modern life. And it looks like that a rational public debate about important issues is emerging into mainstream consciousness. But as Lester and Keohane pointed out, facts, and well-organized debates can't convert the already converted to a new conversion. Open minds are a basic requirement to any discussion. A closed mind undergoes an experience of a death in life when coming across new information as serious, and explosive as that about 9/11, because if we admit that elements of the U.S. government committed 9/11, then we admit that we are living under the control of criminals, and traitors. And such a knowledge makes you shake for your life. I know I did when I first came upon the truth about 9/11 more than six years ago.

And I am beginning to know why some people want to remain blind about the real agents of evil that orchestrated, and executed the 9/11 crime. It is understandable that a person is unwilling to see with new eyes when the thing being seen with those new eyes is terrifying, and horrific. One can't break free from such a state of fear unless one is willing to be reborn, both in the personal, and in the historical sense, because that's what ultimately required. To think, and see anew means to live anew, too. I don't attribute any religious connotations to the statement "reborn," I'm using it as a psychological phrase, but if you are deeply immersed in a religious education then you will integrate your previous teaching with your new psychological state, and perceive your own transformation, as well as that of the world, in a truly religious sense. But I don't view my own awakening, knowledge, and growth in such a light. The critical issue in our time is not religious expression, but political understanding, and political fulfillment. Religion is not what's holding back the species, the greater concern is politics, and how it has been manipulated, and corrupted to the sole benefit of an ignoble global elite.

What does it mean to be awakened? For me, a truly awakened mind also understands that it is a reborn spirit. It has a new conception of present, and recent history, a new understanding of the role of evil and psychopathology in public affairs, and a new admiration for the individual self. Societal transformations begin with individual transformations, and individual transformations begin with a major intellectual breakthrough, which then produces new insights into world history, previously denied by state education, and a corrupt media system. Freedom of thought, along with the public collision of competing ideas are what led to social, political, and cultural transformations in the past, and such a transformation is happening now around the world.

The withering of bankrupt media institutions, and the emergence of the internet along with the alternative press as the key sources of information in 21st century society is shifting power into the hands of the people for the very first time in all of human history. It is truly a wonderful moment to be alive. If all goes well, wise men will no longer be captives to the ship of state, but captains of it.

The American state, run by crazies, cowards, and traitorous, tyrannical men, is viewed by the global population, and increasingly by the American people, as a bankrupt, and criminal state. It can't enforce its false legitimacy by propaganda any longer, soon, it will have to resort to force to maintain its authority, and that will be the breaking point.