July 19, 2010

America, End Foreign Aid

This article by Sabrina Tavernise in the NY Times called, "Pakistan’s Elite Pay Few Taxes, Widening Gap," shows why using American taxpayer dollars to subsidize the Pakistani government is not a good foreign policy. It's bad for both America, and Pakistan. Foreign aid serves the elite of the two countries, and screws everyone else. Politicians, and other government officials in Pakistan don't pay their taxes, like their counterparts in America, while the average guy in both countries is unjustly tasked to pay the bills for his stupid, and tyrannical government.

Here is an excerpt from the NY Times article:

Out of more than 170 million Pakistanis, fewer than 2 percent pay income tax, making Pakistan’s revenue from taxes among the lowest in the world, a notch below Sierra Leone’s as a ratio of tax to gross domestic product.

Mr. Zaidi blames the United States and its perpetual bailouts of Pakistan for the minuscule tax revenues from rich and poor alike. “The Americans should say: ‘Enough. Sort it out yourselves. Get your house in order first,’ ” he argued. “But you are cowards. You are afraid to take that chance.”

Click here to watch the video report of Pakistan's tax problem by Adam B. Ellick. It's pretty hilarious. NY Times: "So few of the Pakistani rich pay taxes that one neighborhood hired transgender tax collectors to embarrass residents into paying."

Ron Paul: No More U.S. Tax Dollars for Corrupt Afghan Officials! - July 12, 2010

Ron Paul: Stop "Helping" Afghanistan and Pakistan! - May 11, 2009