June 17, 2010

Justin O’Connell - From 9/11 to 4/20: BP Gulf Oil Leak and a Planned Course for History

Justin O’Connell - From 9/11 to 4/20: BP Gulf Oil Leak and a Planned Course for History

Key Quote:

Trickle Down Terror

Like the 9/11 events were used to justify “transformation” towards a more totalitarian order in not only the United States, but myriad countries, 4/20 could give way to its own transformations. Thus far, all evidence suggests it is the largest environmental catastrophe in US history. While actions taken after 9/11 were officially said to be crucial to America’s collective safety, the aftermath of 4/20 might result in a quickening of the U.S. economy’s greening. The ‘green’ economy program has been criticized by many for its ultimate results, which mirror IMF and World Bank austerity measures and structural adjustments, also known as “economic medicine.” Spain’s experience with a ‘green’ economy speaks to that trend.

Spain’s current unemployment rate is 18.1 percent, more than twice the European Union average. Gabriel Calzada has furnished a report arguing that Spain’s high-velocity spending on the production of electricity from renewable sources, higher than any other nation, creates only temporary jobs. Moreover, each job devoted to wind farms and other alternative energy projects entails the loss of 2.2 other jobs lost or not created due to politicized investment towards a ‘green’ economy.