June 26, 2010

America's Warriors Are Led By Wimps And War Criminals

Gen. McChrystal's comments in the explosive Rolling Stone article unnerved the "respect Obama's authority" crowd. Gen. McChrystal made a dash through the Emperor's clothes, and exposed him for what he is; a former lawyer that was given the role of the "Commander-in-chief" of a military that he has never served in. And how did he get that role? Did he slay dragons abroad? Did he rose through the political or military ranks? Nope. He got his position because millions of brainwashed idiots voted for him, falsely believing his promises and lies.

So here we are. America is in a global war against "terrorism" with a fake chief in the White House acting like he is in command of the situation by firing disgruntled generals, grabbing new tyrannical powers, and escalating wars that are criminal, immoral, and worst of all in the American political landscape, unwinnable. If Obama made any decisions against the interests of the corporatist-militarist establishment, he would be killed faster than Gen. McChrystal was fired.

The public believes that the chain of command ends with the President, but it doesn't. General Jones, Obama's National Security Advisor, referenced the real chain of command in America's secret government at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy in February, 2009:
"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through Generaal Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today."
General Jones's revelation wasn't surprising, but it was stupid for him to make that assertion because Kissinger is a wanted war criminal. The evidence of his crimes are laid out by Christoper Hitchens in "The Case Against Henry Kissinger." The doctor of foreign policy views military men as "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for America's imperial wars. One of those pawns is Gen. McChrystal.

Pundits claim that Gen. McChrystal showed bad judgment for allowing his belief that the Obama administration is filled with wimps to become public. But they have it wrong. Bad judgment is taking orders from war criminals, and psychopaths like Kissinger. Bad judgment is starting illegal wars, and killing innocent people. Bad judgment is expanding illegal wars, and killing more innocent people. The criticism of Obama's machoness by Gen. McChrystal shouldn't be viewed as something minuscule, and immature. He made a good point. People take a president's manhood into consideration when evaluating his leadership, and personality. Kennedy's manhood was never doubted; and neither was Reagan's. America's most famous presidents, from George Washington to Andrew Jackson to Teddy Roosevelt, enjoyed a high popularity during their presidency partly because of their strong masculinity, and commanding presence.

Don't be fooled by the rhetoric of the country's current "Commander-in-chief." The character of a man and the title are two entirely different things. Obama speaks slowly, and dresses sharply, however, he does not project a commanding presence in a room, and he is “uncomfortable and intimidated” by men who do.

Unlike Gen. McChrystal, Obama has never been exposed to the shadows, and the wild side that exists in every man. The American poet Robert Bly says it is important for a man to get in touch with his wild wide, and master his warrior instincts.The instincts of the wild man, if put to good use, are necessary for a community's survival.

America should be proud that it has warriors like Gen. McChrystal, and the thousands of warriors that are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan; the problem is that their combat skills and fighting spirit is manipulated for corrupt and diabolical ends. Bly writes in his book "Iron John" that, "the warrior in man is the one who is able to pursue a task until it is finished. And the warrior usually has a cause transcendent to himself. The warrior works for the king and the king represents the spirit, or God, the transcendent."

According to Bly, the crisis for the warrior in American society is that the warrior has no king. The brave and committed soldiers in America's military have been tasked with an impossible, and very cynical mission in the "War on Terror." They've been asked to rid the world of evil, and destroy terrorists that want to inflict pain on America, but the world's biggest terrorists are in the U.S. National Security establishment, and evil has no better security today than in the halls of Washington D.C. Moral values and the belief of the divinity in man has been abandoned by America's corrupt and depraved leaders. They've betrayed Americas warriors ever since the war in Vietnam, and even before then. The last president who represented the values of the true King, the values of God, the values of the transcendent, was John F. Kennedy; he realized a path to peace with the Soviet Union, and decided to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces," but he was assassinated shortly after.

"The warrior," Bly says, "is not send to harm or cause damage, but to defend the boundaries." That basic truth has been lost in America. America's warriors are not in Iraq and Afghanistan to defend America's security, they're mission is not noble; they're there for commercial, imperialist, and Israeli interests. They've been deceived into occupying two innocent countries, killing its people, and denying them the right of self-determination. Gen. McChrystal tried to diminish the suffering of the people of Afghanistan by focusing on the safety of civilians, but his COIN strategy hasn't worked because it is impossible to defend the boundaries of rightful combat in modern criminal wars. And it is all the more difficult to implement such a strategy in a war that does not have a clear or winnable mission. The biggest scandal is that the War on Terror was designed to be a permanent, and unwinnable war, and warriors can't fight permanent wars without feeling guilt and shame; hence the acceleration of the use of drones and robots.

The troops in Afghanistan were relieved to see Gen. McChrystal leave because he put constraints on their warrior instincts under the false assumption that protecting civilians in a war of occupation is the key to victory. But there are no keys to victory in a fraudulent, deceptive, and destructive war. America is losing in the Middle East despite its military advancement and strong warriors because it is going against human nature by imposing its rule through force. Just as the American colonists and revolutionaries outlasted the Redcoats; the fighters and patriots in Afghanistan and Iraq will survive the Green Berets and the American forces. If Gen. McChrystal was serious about standing up to authority, he would've called for the immediate withdrawal of all American warriors from Afghanistan and Iraq; not for more pawns to die in an immoral and illegal war.