June 5, 2010

All Lies Fall Apart

Truth-telling is the greatest calling in our age. Corporate and government whistleblowers like Daniel Ellsberg, who exposed the Pentagon Papers at the height of the Vietnam war, and Jeffrey Wigand, who was played by Russel Crowe in the film The Insider, are revered and immortalized. They are regarded as the heroes of modern life because what they have to say, and what they reveal, helps create greater public understanding, and even more importantly, they save lives by coming forward and speaking up. Even a small contribution is praised because the simple act of truth-telling is what matters, it speaks volumes of the person's character and courage.

But telling the truth is frowned upon in our culture. Truth-tellers in the United States and the West are in unfriendly territory. As Ron Paul says, "Truth is treason in the empire of lies." The truth is considered treasonous, and crazy largely because the public mind is under a permanent propaganda siege in the West, especially in America, which is ground zero in the War for Truth. The corporate "whitewash" media does not report on any story that calls into question the credibility of the real axis of evil: Washington - Wall St - Israel. The short laundry list of the many unreported stories goes as follows: Election fraud in 2000 and 2004. The 9/11 lie. The criminal heist by Wall Street. The U.S. sponsored international narco trade. Israel's illegal policies in Gaza. Etc. More headlines can be found at Project Censored.

Peter Philips, the Director of Project Censored, co-authored an article with David Kubiak called "Truth Emergency US", highlighting the real crisis in the United States and the West. They write:
There is a literal truth emergency in the United States, not only regarding distant wars, torture camps, and doctored intelligence, but also around issues that most intimately impact our lives at home.
Visit the "Truth Emergency" website. And click here if you want to listen to Philips' interview on the Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs podcast.


There is a large possibility that Western democracies will crumble to ashes if citizens don't righteously demand greater government transparency, accountability, and plain old truth-telling. Revelations about government corruption, and criminality are hard to swallow, but unfriendly truths beats friendly slavery.

Europe is in a better position to deal with the real facts about 9/11, and the true motives behind the war on terrorism because it is familiar with government secrecy and clandestine government ops after discovering the details of the NATO operation Gladio in the 1990s. But citizens in the United States and Canada are ready to hear the truth, whatever it implies about them, and their so-called democratic governments. Significant amounts of people in North America and Europe have begun to see through the whitewash media.

The fact that the magic media formula "Suppress. Censor. Lie. Ridicule. Demonize. Stigmatize" has lost its effect on the populations of the West prompted former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski to admit that there is a "global political awakening" at a recent CFR meeting in Montreal.

But an "awakening" doesn't signify automatic political and social change. Although underground information networks on the internet and alternative media channels have been effective in counterbalancing the media siege and waking people up from their slumber, such tunnels of truth do not suggest that the corporate-government blockade of the truth will be lifted, in fact, tighter restrictions on the internet and talk radio have been called for by Democratic strategists and Washington insiders.

So it's clear that the propaganda onslaught against reality, against hardcore facts, against the unregulated truth, will continue until it stops working completely at the mass level. And when that day comes is anybody's guess. As journalist John Pilger writes in his latest column "The black art of news management", the "master illusions" and "black propaganda", that are developed in advance of a massive war or a political campaign against the public, are not easily shattered. Such masterful illusions take on a life of their own once they are introduced to the public mind through the media.

As a result of the relentless propaganda blockade, some people will not give up old lies, no matter how much contradictory evidence they are presented with on the internet, in a documentary, or by a friend, and they will enthusiastically follow new lies. Maybe they subconsciously believe it's safer to live in the dark than risk death in the light.

The collapse of the propaganda wall in America, and the West will be one of the defining moments of our age. Will our 1989 be 2012? I doubt it. But regardless of the date, the spiritual elevation of the West is coming, and this development will allow this civilization to escape the "blind alley" as Alexander Solzhenitsyn saw it, and begin to face the truth about itself in the light of history.