The professional idiots and apparatchiks who write for the NY Times are the thought-snatchers for the Empire. In their worldview, America is good, and any people who criticize the American government are insane, and infidels. Even Americans. No, especially Americans. So don't read between their headlines, nor those of any other major newspaper in the country - because the corporate is not interested in reporting the truth but in information warfare.
That's right. Because your opinion matters greatly to the hijackers of the US government. What you think impacts on how they rule. And the hired pens that are stationed throughout the news media don't report facts. If a news story that sheds a negative light on the interests of their owners comes across their lap, they deport it to the the "land of the lost and conspiracy junk." That's because their not in the business of knowledge and information. Instead, they get paid to record official statements. And then fill in the script and call it journalism. They don't feel the need to investigate. Besides, what kind of nut investigates his own paymaster? That's foolish. Their job is not to search for the truth, but to propagate grand lies. They propagandize. And they don't do follow-ups, unless they feel it is required that you be further terrorized about claims like "Iraqi WMDS," or the "Iranian threat." Propping up blatantly false assertions, and selling it to the public as an "exclusive story" is another thing they like to do. But they don't really have a clue. Or a story. Rather, what they have is a well-defined mission. And their mission is to make you believe that America is the land of the free, that its wars are just, and that its secret terrorism policies in other lands are done for the good. But it's not, and no matter how much lies the corporate media in collusion with the CIA spreads for domestic consumption, evil can not be turned into good, not now, not ever. Falsehood cannot be turned into truth, not now, not ever. And history cannot be turned into myth, not now, not ever.
Read this latest jewel of propaganda. The article is called "U.S. Is a Top Villain in Pakistan’s Conspiracy Talk."
There are so many quotes worth mentioning in this piece, but here's my favorite: “People want simple explanations, like evil America, Zionist-Hindu alliance,” said a Pakistani diplomat, who asked not to be named because of the delicate nature of the topic. “It’s gone really deep into the national psyche now.”
This Pakistani diplomat, whoever he is, must also be a Jungian psychologist, or some kind of shrink, since he seems to have such a firm grasp on the national psyche, and what people want. But if you're curious about his abilities, don't press too hard. He obviously has no conception of irony, or any sense of history. He failed to mention to the reporter some important historical parallels that are important to the discussion about myth and politics. It wasn't many years ago that communism was the greatest and most evil force in the history of the world in America, as promoted by the American media and government. The Russian empire was the "evil" empire." Indeed, the anti-freedom chickenshits who run the US government are the most conspiratorial bunch on the planet. The controlled US media makes up more conspiracy theories about America's so-called "enemies" than any other organization in the world.
And times have changed, but the crimes stay the same. Today, Islamic terrorism is the most evil force according to the US government and the New York Times. But that's not an example of a conspiracy belief. Nope. That's sound historical knowledge. But this article is not about the irrationality of US foreign policy, but about how crazy Pakistanis are. And this is propaganda meant for domestic consumption. Facts be damned in information warfare. If the NY Times declares that the people of Pakistan who rebel against foreign occupation are crazy and terrorists, then in the minds of the sheep who read the NY Times, they are crazy and terrorists. And it's important to stay on message. If you draw historical parallels and introduce relevant facts into the article, then the American people could potentially come to agree with the judgment by the people of Pakistan that America is evil. After all, Americans are in the heart of the beast, and they know just how evil the American empire and corporate media is.
But, in the interest of "national security", the NY Times believes its best to describe anybody or any people who views the American government harshly as "conspiracy theorists," and "paranoids." That's just the nature of the job. Propaganda is dirty but somebody's gotta do it. If the NY Times was in print in London in 1775, they would've described the restless American colonists as "conspiracy theorists," "terrorists" and "paranoids." How else could they protect the interests of the elite? By guns? That won't work. Americans have millions of guns, so imposing rule by force is not very effective. Nope. It's much better to describe freedom fighters as terrorists, and rational thinking beings as crazies and paranoids. Information warfare is the new and more efficient way to conquer men and lands, and somebody like Edward Bernays is the Hannibal of this type of warfare. He was the innovator. And the NY Times is the biggest tank on the field. But it's also the most vulnerable for a boycott. You can't avoid getting shot at in warfare, but you can avoid propaganda in information warfare, and that's the best way to defeat it.
If you want a better written and more detailed breakdown of the NY Times article, read Glenn Greenwald's "Those irrational, misled, conspiratorial Muslims." You can't miss it.