April 22, 2010

Three Percenter's Mike Vanderboegh Against Clinton & The One Percenters

To many in the "news" media, anybody who positions himself against the government of the United States, and is serious about his intentions and views, is an automatic extremist. One such individual is Mike Vanderboegh. Vanderboegh is the wise-cracking agitator who advised readers of his blog to hurl bricks at Democratic party headquarters across the country. And a few of them did. Shortly after a few windows were smashed at a Dem­ocratic Committee headquar­ters in Monroe County, N.Y., there were rumblings of Vanderboegh's possible arrest. Vanderboegh told the newspaper, The Montgomery Advertiser, that he wouldn't mind being charged, if it meant his views would get a larger hearing.
"That would certainly give me an opportunity to make my case to a larger public," Vander­boegh said. "I wouldn't enjoy a sedition charge but I'm willing to accept it. Perhaps that's a more efficient use of my re­sources than getting arrested for vandalism."
It would appear that such an act of vandalism was done in a purely irrational manner, and without much virtue. I was originally aghast that things had gone to this point, and left a comment at Vanderboegh's blog, voicing my critical disagreements with the idea that throwing windows will solve anything. To my knowledge, the comment wasn't posted. I also said in the comment that if there is going to be a window war, then why only target the windows of the Democratic party HQ, don't the Republicans deserve a wake-up call just as much, if not, more?

Vanderboegh said in an interview that the Window War wasn't about injecting violence into the political process, but as a means to raise awareness of the greater violence that could dawn if the US government fails to respect the liberties, and dignity of the American people. He said:
The entire point of the Window War campaign was to get folks' attention and to understand that this thing could very easily go to guns....I'm calling on the government to understand that there are going to be consequences to pushing people like us any further back.
Vanderboegh's explanation made me rethink my original impression of him and his crash-the-party idea. I've gained new respect for him. I assumed he was a mindless right-wing agitator, who was taking things a little too far, but I'm coming to realize that he is actually a thoughtful man, with a philosophical bent, and who shares my belief about the imperfectibility of human nature. He is by no means a radical. He is mindful of his presence, and tries to make careful remarks.

And he's also a sharp student of history. I was surprised by his views of 20th century history, especially of the nature of totalitarian governments, which he expresses in the two videos below. In other words, he is not a know-nothing Republican. I judged too quickly. And after doing some minimal research, I've come to the conclusion that the Three Percenters are agents of good. I think Malcolm X would be a three percenter if he were alive. But it still remains to be seen if they are incorruptible, bi-partisan, logically-driven, and historically grounded.

Also, over the last few weeks I've come to understand the belief that small acts of vandalism can be defended. I still view it as unnecessary, criminal, and should not be tolerated. But it certainly beats large acts of terrorism, which the US government has pretty well mastered, both inside its own borders and around the world. But if, as Vanderboegh says, it is done as a preventive measure, and only windows are broken, then there no great harm is done. If it serves the purpose of averting a future political crisis, one much greater and with more deadly consequences, then I could see how vandalism can sometimes be appropriate in some people's eyes.

Of course, in a society where the rule of law is aggressively defended by the public representatives, illegal wars are not being perpetually maintained and expanded by lying and cowardly politicians, and financial fraud is treated evenhandedly and appropriately, then there is no excuse for extreme political agitation. But we don't live in that society. Not in America, and sadly, not even in Canada, where I live. Citizens on both sides of the border live under governments that have been hijacked by private central banks, and a security and surveillance corporate-apparatus that feeds on terrorism paranoia, and pretends to defend the public in the name of freedom and security.

The myth of democracy and liberty is just that, a myth. But it's a very dangerous and deadly myth. We have been brainwashed to believe that countries in the West are inherently different from other countries around the world, where freedom is not cherished, and people are treated like dirt. But as Andrew Gavin Marshall describes in his article "The Transnational Homeland Security State and the Decline of Democracy," such a belief doesn't have any basis in fact. We are in reality submerged populations, psychologically and politically. Marshall writes:
The totalitarian project is truly a transnational project; it is not merely confined to one or a few nations, but is a project of western society. So while the west rapidly expands their imperial adventures in the ‘global south’ – Africa, Latin America, South and Central Asia – at home the governments of the established western democracies are throwing the notion of democracy overboard and are constructing powerful and pervasive ‘Homeland Security States’. The construction of a ‘Homeland Security State’ is no more about the protection of its citizens than the Gestapo was; it is about the control of their citizens.
So those who wish to criticize the Three Percenters should hold their breath, and save it for the one percenters, who consist of war criminals, corporate looters, the Empire's profiteers, billionaire tax evaders, and financial terrorists, which the US government and Wall St. seem to be full of. Direct your fury not at citizen militias, but at the political, financial, and media elite.

Former President Clinton is part of the one percenter movement that is hell-bent on pushing economic slavery down the throats of the American people through what they call "the new world order." Clinton and his ilk have caused more harm to the rule of law, and society, than Mike Vanderboegh and the Three Percenters ever could. And it came as no surprise when Clinton denounced the group and called them "hatriots," in his speech at the Center for American Progress on April 16.

In his speech, Clinton also emphasized civility in the "news" media, talk radio, and among politicians. No doubt, civility is important in society, but how can we have civility when the government stages false-flag terror attacks and thrusts the nation into illegal and criminal wars? How can we have civility when criminal banksters on Wall St. have hijacked the American economy and are holding the people's money as leverage in their failed banks? Civility against such injustices in no civility at all; it is timidity, cowardice, ignorance. Also, Clinton and the rest of the political class do not have the right to speak for civil society. Clinton terminated that right when he brought hellfire to the people of Iraq, including 200,000 children, during his term as President.

America's current political class, Obama included, also do not speak for the rule of law, liberty, democracy, or anything of the sort. Under their supervision, we have witnessed a corporate-technocratic tyranny foisted on the American people and the people of the world. They do not represent the wide spectrum of humanity that exists around the world. Popular consent is against the two criminal wars, and the Wall St. bailouts, and yet, the politicians in Washington don't respond to the people's voice.

According to President Obama, change is merely a campaign slogan. But people have desires and expectations. When they're hopes are not fulfilled, and they lose all sympathy with politics, they resort to violence. So there will be change, or there will be blood. I hope to do my part to stop the blood from spilling. Non-violent resistance to government tyranny is the wisest path we as free citizens can take. Following the tradition of Gandhi and King is a must if we want an ordered liberty. I don't support political vandalism, but I do think the time has come for civil disobedience, general strikes, marches on DC, tax boycotts, and things of that peaceful nature.

We know, however, who is in the right and who is in the wrong if violence does take place, and the government of the United States is currently in the wrong, because it has done wrong time after time. Cheney, Clinton, and Congress cannot wash the blood of millions off their hands. The corporate-militarist tyranny in Washington D.C has killed thousands of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it has ruined thousands of lives inside America too. Some are victims of illegal imprisonment due to dictatorial drug laws, others feel the pain when jobs are off-shored to other countries where wage slavery is legal, and almost all suffer when banksters act in concert with politicians and steal the people's money for themselves. Such a state of illegality cannot last much longer.

Three Percenter's Mike Vanderboegh Interview @ Open Carry March - Part 1

Three Percenter's Mike Vanderboegh Interview @ Open Carry March - Part 2

Alexandria's Link.

FireDogLake's Link.