April 16, 2010

There Will Be Change.

Things are getting very serious in America. Former president Bill Clinton called groups like the Oath Keepers "hatriot" groups. Read his precise remarks on page ten of his speech here. Clinton emphasized civility in the media and talk radio, and among politicians.

No doubt, civility is important in society, but how can we have civility when the government stages false-flag terror attacks and thrusts the nation into illegal and criminal wars? How can we have civility when criminal banksters on Wall St. have hijacked the American economy? Civility against such injustices in no civility at all; it is timidity, cowardice, ignorance. Also, Clinton and the rest of the political class do not have the right to speak for civil society.

Let's be clear, a corporate-technocratic tyranny is being foisted on the American people. Popular consent is against the two wars, and the Wall St. bailouts, and yet, the politicians don't respond to the people's wishes. So there will be change, or there will be blood. But non-violent resistance to government tyranny is the wisest path to take. Following the tradition of Gandhi and King is a must. We know, however, who is in the right and who is in the wrong if violence does take place, and the government of the United States is currently in the wrong, because it has done wrong time after time. It cannot wash the blood of his hands. It has killed thousands of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it has ruined thousands of lives at home too, by imprisoning thousands of victimless drug offenders, and off-shoring jobs to other countries on the planet.

Kurt Hofmann: If 2nd Amendment rallies are 'threat to the rule of law,' then 'rule of law' needs threatening

Clinton, and others, need to remind themselves of what President Kennedy said. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."