Aravoth, the maker of such classics as "Ron Paul : When in the course of human events..." "Ron Paul : Don't tread on me" "Ron Paul : Stop Dreaming" and "U.S. Economy : The Philosopher's Stone" is back with a new video. This time, he exposes one of the central critiques of the Tea Party movement, that it is chiefly anti-racist.
Of course, the Tea Party movement is not perfect. The Classically Liberal blog has made great observations about the deficiencies of the people who make up the modern Tea Party in its current, post-Ron Paul days, you can read them here and here.
There are far more accurate reasons why the Republican-diluted Tea Party movement is heading in the wrong direction than the ones that news pundits generally give. Hating the President because he is a black is not one. People who attend Tea Party protests seem to be angry at the democratic administration, the White House, and even the Republican party for other reasons, that are more legitimate, but news pundits like Chris Matthews and Ed Shultz, who get some of their ideas from the Southern Poverty Law Center, are not interested in covering those issues. They're more concerned with politics than the truth.