I love America. Or, more accurately, I love what America is supposed to stand for: Freedom, opportunity, abundance, free choice, diversity...
But I'm increasingly noticing that America's leaders don't believe in those ideals at all. They are betraying the American people by selling out our futures to the corporate monopolists. They are turning America into a corporatocracy, and the passage of this monopoly sick-care system is yet another perfect example of just how easily our own lawmakers will sell out the People just to appease the powerful chemical industrialists who dominate medicine today.
To read about the wonderful work that President Barack Obama and his elves/colleagues have accomplished, read this great article by Mr. J. Speer-Williams.
Wow, What a Guy ...
By J. Speer-Williams
Wow, What a Guy ...
After congress passed the so-called Health Reform bill, I felt more like screaming than laughing. But, what is there to laugh about? Oh yes, Obama. He has, indeed, become laughable.
The Holy Bible has less than 1,300 pages. But, how would you like to be tasked with having to read all those pages, until you understood them, in a month, a week, or a day, while having what some say is the most difficult job in the world?
President Obama did something far more heroic than that. He carefully read twice that many pages, and all of it was in some of the most poorly written, most abstruse legalese imaginable. It was the 2,700, plus, pages of the Healthcare "Reform" bill, commonly called Obamacare; and since this bill was always changing, add another 300 pages poor Obama had to read.
Perhaps, the president enjoyed reading something that is over twice as long as the Bible, twice as hard to understand (due to poor writing), but only half as interesting. But, Mr. Obama had an advantage: It's been scientifically proven that pathological liars are faster readers than those not so gifted. And as a corollary all democratic congressmen, and most republican ones, are also fast readers.
And maybe, just reading that tome of legislation so inspired Mr. Obama he couldn't stop reading it, even missing the basketball games of March Madness, and Michele's pleas of "Put down that office stuff and come to bed, dear."
Undoubtedly, our poor president hasn't slept in weeks. Remember he also had thousands of pages of other bills to to read, all written by the little wordsmiths in tax free "think-tanks" run by the oligarchs of the International Monetary/Banking Cartel, who have sponsored Barack since he was in college.
Our president - a self proclaimed man of the people - must have smiled when he read how heavy taxes on his people will start immediately, while benefits for his people are to take place in later years, plenty of time for future legislation to nullify those benefits.
A satisfying sigh of pleasure must have escaped his lips when he read that Obamacare mandates the hiring of 16,000 more IRS agents, to ensure all taxpaying Americans do their patriotic parts by paying more confiscatory taxes: "Ah my liberal base will be so pleased my green shoots are producing more jobs," he must have thought.
But the lying skill, so perfected by our president many years ago, seemed to have lost some of its magic. But, what do you expect? Undoubtedly our poor president hasn't slept in weeks. Actually, he hasn't slept in years, due to all the legislation he had to read as a senator before he'd dare vote on any of it.
I guess President Obama is very thankful for the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, which stipulates a 30 day congressional recess each August. So, if we don't see much of President Obama in August, we'll know why - he'll be catching up on his sleep.
Wow, what a guy ...
J. Speer-Williams can be reached at JSW4@mac.com