January 17, 2010

Where is the relief for Iraq?

Another rant at midnight, solely dedicated to my future, more happy, self, for the purposes of contemplation and study of our present & painful days. So if you have any respect for yourself, do not read this, because it is very poorly written. But if you get off on youthful indignation, then, . . . feel free.

If you think the American government has washed its sins away by providing aid to Haiti, do not forget that it has induced a man-made disaster in Iraq and Afghanistan, unnecessarily ending the lives of one million human beings and destroying the homes of millions. We should not separate the two tragedies. What is the difference between natural and man-made disasters? Needless suffering is needless suffering, regardless of the circumstance, political situation, or geographical area. I hate to compare the causes of human suffering and disasters, but America shares a greater burden for the suffering in Iraq than the suffering in Haiti. But where is the telethon for Baghdad? Or Kabul? Don't the journalists and anchors working in the corporate media have any shame? Do they think that by not focusing on the American made disaster in the Middle East, it will just go away?

A government that drops bombs in one area of the world and food in another part of the world is not a government but a hijacked corporation that puts power and privilege above human life. Washington D.C has long been in a marketing crisis and a Haiti relief project is not going to tide them over to the next major war. So how can I believe the US government is acting on ethical principles in Haiti when it has shown a complete aversion to morality everywhere else? Are my demands for consistent morality too unrealistic? Maybe so. After all, what previous political generation acted like frozen angels? None. George Washington, who had many redeeming qualities, spoke of American liberty but paid little regard for the men and women in his possession.

But why should it be extreme to demand that governments act justly and with good intentions at all times? I recognize that we live in Hades and not paradise, but the world will be ruined if we do not demand enlightened political leadership right now. I consider it extreme if we stay the course, which has bankrupt the governing system of the world.

Please, America, hands off. Keep your troops away from Haiti. You're "well-intended" regiments are not needed in that land. The last time they were there, they protected a band of criminals and terrorists, helped them chase off Haiti's proud leader into exile, and then made it safe for that blood-soaked band to rape the country. So, no thanks America. You have done enough damage in the world. How would you like it if Chinese and Russian troops arrived on your shores one day? I'm sure you wouldn't believe them if they claimed "We come in the name of good government and security."

If you think it is unreasonable for me to be so hostile, then you are overlooking the history of a military that has more often than not created and extended disasters rather than help end them. So, ask yourself, why should you respect a military that needlessly kills human beings in one region of the world just because it dutifully provides comfort and aid in another region? Am I supposed to be convinced that the men and women in uniform are angels of some kind all of a sudden? That's nonsense. All they are trained for is to carry out orders, regardless if they are good or bad. They don't possess the judgment of angels, or taught how to discern right from wrong, but simply taught to do as they are told - and that does not deserve respect but contempt. Mindless goodness should never be praised.

And how can I respect a media that has been utterly silent on American crimes that have caused unbelievable suffering in Iraq? Mainstream news institutions want us to believe they have maintained some humanity over these painful years to be able to cover world tragedies like Haiti soundly and without governmental bias but the truth is that they are incredibly shallow and morally bankrupt institutions, and I can not take their coverage anywhere in the world, however good, seriously. Because when there is no trust, all communication breaks down - and this is what's happening between the government's organs and the public. The military and the media believe they can perform convincingly and morally in a time of crisis and emergency but all their past actions show that they are not trustworthy. They will fail us when we come to experience our own national emergencies, so don't be fooled by their two-faced nature. They may act generously in Haiti but in Iraq it's a different story. If you ask Iraqis about the deadly role played by the US media and the US military, you will hear total damnation, not admiration.

As Tom Burghardt writes in his latest piece, "After all, where the defense of wealth and privileges are concerned corporate thugs and war criminals have no friends, only interests... "