January 1, 2010

A Decade of Resistance

Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did.
- Sophie Scholl, founding member of The White Rose

In the years before the Nazis took power of Germany, the German people were suffering from a severe depression, and a staggering war debt, both of which inspired attacks on the life and property of innocent minorities even before the onslaught of Nazi propaganda. Jews, as well as other ethnic minorities, and communists, were vehemently blamed for the economic downturn and Germany's defeat in WWI, paving the way for a merciless leader who demanded, like all tyrants have in history, the trust and liberties of the people. And the German people willingly gave up their sovereignty and authority in a time of national crisis.

The American people have watch similar events happen in America in this last decade, but under less painful conditions. Washington's tyrannical leaders illegally took power in 2000 in a disputed election at a time not of crisis, but of hope and great expectations, when America was at its highest height politically, economically, and military. The people, however, looked on as Bush was selected into office by the Supreme Court, and did nothing to prevent the theft of their country. Following the government sponsored terror attack on 9/11, the Patriot Act was passed, which overruled the law of the land. Over a majority of politicians supported it, despite having every avenue to legally resist its passing in the house and senate. But the people still looked on and accepted the media and government's version of events. It was not long before America attacked its fabricated enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq, killing over a million innocent people, torturing thousands, and creating conditions for a permanent occupation. While back home, a domestic overhaul has put the liberties and lives of all Americans in jeopardy. And only a brave and awakened few have continually opposed the ongoing situation. A great majority of Americans have yet to raise their voice against the US government's false description of terrorism and the larger war of terror, mostly because of pure ignorance, but some are seriously fearful of being called a lunatic and a traitor. And if they raise their voice now they also risk being called a terrorist and send to a detention center operated by FEMA and Homeland Security.

These developments have made resistance even more essential. American war crimes are on the same level as the Soviet and Nazi regime. Criticizing the domestic and foreign policies of republicans and democrats is no longer enough. The time for full-on resistance has come. We should take inspiration from the resistance against the Nazis. Although there weren't many, the few who did resist demand our attention and our praise. The nation they lived in was substantially more authoritarian than the one Americans live in. And the German people unequivocally backed the regime in a way the American people have not. True, there were some defiant critics who fled Germany in the early stages of Hitler's conquest, among them the philosopher Walter Benjamin, many people, including intellectuals, stayed and cheered on what they saw as a renewed Germany. And the active support of Nazis policies by the world's leading industrialists and bankers, along with the church and heads of states, even America's own populist tyrant, FDR, made Hitler an unstoppable force for evil previously unseen in all of human history.

As a result of the people's support, any resistance against the Nazis within the nation was highly unpopular, and considered an act of subordination. The few individuals who were aware of the brutal practices of the regime and brave enough to confront the regime in the middle of the war were put to death on February 22, 1943, after a very abrupt trial that found them guilty of treason. Their names were Hans and Sophie Scholl, Christoph Probst, Alex Schmorell, Willi Graf, and their philosophy professor, Kurt Huber, all members of The White Rose, a group that published six anti-Nazi leaflets on the campus grounds of the University of Munich. With courage unparalleled in the 20th century, the fiery students called on the German people to save their souls and resist the tyranny of the Nazis. But the people, confused by much propaganda, declined, and the Nazis went on to finish the bloody genocide that they started.

Jacob Hornberger, in his essay "Why Germans Supported Hitler," says of The White Rose:
They were asking Germans to embrace a different and higher concept of patriotism – one that involves a devotion to a set of moral principles and values rather than blind allegiance to one’s government in time of war. It was a type of patriotism that involved opposition to one’s own government, especially in time of war, when government is engaged in conduct that violates moral principles and values.
Their act of defiance struck a nervous fear in the Nazi officials in a way that Russian tanks and American infantrymen were never unable to do, because for the first time signs of an inner triumph against the Nazis were made apparent. Sophie Scholl's declaration that they were not the only ones who held such beliefs was unmistakably true, and for that reason, the Nazi machine had to act swiftly, leaving no doubt in the people's minds that if such a feat was repeated they too would be killed. But resistance against the Nazis did not end with the deaths of The White Rose. Soldiers within the ranks were conscious of the Nazis' barbaric deeds that were kept hidden from the German people, and the inner conspiracy to topple the regime continued to grow until it was finally made public after the failed attempt at Hitler's life on July 20, 1944 by Stauffenberg.

The German resistance within the military was in many ways a precursor to GI resistance in Vietnam, and the current Iraq Veterans Against the War. The circumstances of German soldiers were obviously much more delicate, the Nazi high officials were far more ruthless than those in the American military, and there was still a huge support for the war in the country, which is a stark contrast to the American people's disapproval of their government efforts abroad. But regardless of the circumstance, the principles of disobedience to immoral orders and a refusal to follow unjust leaders were courageously defended by the 7000 thousand German soldiers who participated in the plot to destroy the Nazi regime. Their example should inspire the soldiers in the US military to go against high-ranking officials and support the overthrow of the Nazis of our own day, who are at the helm of the world's most powerful military.

Indeed, the war criminals and lying psychopaths in the US secret government and its most privileged corporations have taken hold of the public imagination for the purposes of conquest and domination, just as the Nazis had. It is the duty of all of conscience citizens and soldiers to resist their illegal wars and to support the effort to bring down this tyrannical regime that has destroyed America. Active resistance of these tyrant's neo-feudal plans for the world is the most critical objective for humanitarians in this decade. As Plato said; "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men," and that is not a price that I am willing to pay.

The time for apathy is over. The last decade revealed that we are led by history's most dangerous men. A day will come when these traitors of humanity will be tried in court, and put to death. And we have all the power to make that happen because this is not Nazi Germany. The Gestapo has not yet appeared, and we are nowhere near as intimidated as the Nazi critics were to raise our voices. Also, the free flow of information on the internet has given us a greater access to the ugly facts about our leaders, a fortune that was not shared by the German people in the days of their dying dictatorship. So we have no excuses to make. We must resist on the streets and everywhere else. And we must put our lives on the line if circumstances demand it.

In a recent broadcast, Alex Jones defined the last decade as a "Decade of Tyranny." The reasons are obvious: an expansion of the federal government powers, the creation of new departments that threaten American liberties, the growth of the corporate police state that seeks to enslave Americans under martial law, the numerous instances of false flag operations by the governments of America, Britain, and Israel, and the criminal bankers' theft of the people's wealth that brought the world economy to a standstill in 2008. All these events represent a brutal and concerted attack on the liberty and security of America and the rest of the world. Alex's overview of the dictatorial laws that followed 9/11 is presented in the video below:

Author Ted Rall shares some of the same conclusions. He writes in a new article called "Since 9/11, We've Embraced Our Inner Coward," how Americans retreated from their responsibility to stop the blinding madness that smothered their country after the 9/11 attacks, an event which signaled what he, and many others have described as "The Fear Decade." In response to that article and Alex's declaration, I have suggested that we should call this upcoming decade, which will officially begin exactly a year from now, "The Decade of Resistance." It will no doubt be marked with tremendous social upheaval and political unrest, with many Americans physically resisting the domestic occupiers who have taken the country hostage. But many hopeful things will also transpire, because whenever there is resistance, there is a bright future to look forward to. In an article entitled "The Last Decade and the Prospects for Freedom," that appeared in the New American, Charles Scaliger writes:
By every political and economic metric, this decade appears to have set the stage for an epic national crisis soon to come. At the same time, some of the trends of recent years give ample grounds for optimism that, if America can weather the coming economic and political storms, a revival of freedom and reverence for constitutional government may be in the offing.
I share the same hope, but it is a delusion to think that such a future can arrive without conflict and bloodshed. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's patriots must first battle against George Bush and Barack Obama's terrorists and traitors. Such a fight has long been expected, and it is out of the question that the rulers of the US government will suddenly back away from their criminal enterprise and say sorry to the American people. They are fixed in their course for domination, and are as committed to oppression, as we must be to resistance, if we truly desire liberty. The risk of facing great difficulty should not stop us. Averting to apathy, depression, excuses, and fear, while the enemies of justice and liberty continue to destroy and enslave humanity, is an act of cowardice.

What is laid before us in this new decade is simple and clear; resist tyranny, or live as a slave. I, for one, will not stand by and watch a new age of serfdom unfold. The elite's new world order shall not succeed by my consent. I know too well the rights of man to allow them to be suppressed.

We should not fear the Apocalypse and Armageddon but embrace its undeniable power, and use it do good. If we resist we'll find hope in unlikely places. I'm sure there are resisters on the inside who we are unaware of at this time, and whose revelation will surprise us. Great things are in store for humanity this decade. Maybe true change will come near the end, but that doesn't mean we can just sit on our asses for another ten years and 'wait.' The decade that just passed is not a sign of things to come. The Long War on Man, which the Bush administration brought about under false pretenses, will be remembered as the last sprint of evil that came afoot in the last century. This century will be different; it will not bring endless and catastrophic wars but a new golden age of freedom, justice, and companionship. The 20th century was wrongly hailed as such a time by the the futurists who appeared in the decade and a half before the Great War. They envisioned great developments and wonderful things, and they were partly right, but their bigger hopes for humanity were soon crushed when they saw the vast machinery of war and the organized power behind it. What came to be the totalitarian century went down the path of darkness and saw humanity rest its head and heart to the enjoyment of tyrants and thieves. This time around, the reverse will occur. Our period in darkness shall end soon, and the War of Terror will last a mere decade and a half. In this century the dream of Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King Jr for a free humanity will be embraced by all of mankind. And Jefferson's words will ring true as never before:
May it be to the world, what I believe it will be, (to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all,) the signal of arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government. (Monticello, June 24, 1826, from a letter to Roger C. Weightman)

Alexandria's Link.