This blog is dedicated to shark-minds and spirits that are wise like dolphins. Here, with keystrokes of justice, more than a few things are said in jest, but I hope that there is enough of a direct analysis of the crisis we are in that you don't find the various pieces totally fruitless. And, although I am an earnest truth excavator, and a committed trutha diver, I have no delusions about my prospects.
Since we currently live in unfriendly waters, in a spot of ocean far away from land, we must take cues from the animal kingdom, who are always in touch with their ancestors and are always aware of their surrounding. We must follow their example and never lose sight of the real and physical threats to our existence. Who are these threats? Well, in their current form they are society's biggest and greediest banks, our despotic rulers in government, monolithic and corrupt corporations, and the security state. They are the people's enemies and are dead set against the progress of a greater, freer humanity. They hate large numbers because it is the only power that can stop them in their quest for domination of everything in this world, the ocean, the sun, the deep, everything you can imagine. Without numbers, we are without relief, and without freedom. And this is not paranoia. Our governments have been seized. And our liberties have long been stripped by the restless hands of power. These are facts. But the people, leaving aside their massive stupidity, represent a powerful force that can reign in this hellish tyranny, if they can manage to embrace the truth in time. But that means they must first face the facts.
Facing the truth is not like coming one-to-one with the creator, there is no judgment on your character, only revelation. It is a discovery unlike any other. Fresh minds and tired eyes alike can recognize its varied features. And if you come upon it for the first time, after rejecting its existence for many long years, its penetrating depth makes it an even more surreal experience. I personally have not come in direct contact with the truth of our world, and of the evil men who plan to control it, but I have swam through channels of thought that led me to its presence. Direct contact with it is not required in order to understand its significance. Its effect can be felt by anyone who has a true desire to reach for it. Attempting to grasp and touch its face is out of the question, and unnecessary, because the truth only has to be seen. And it can be seen in the deep, after a long struggle to pursue it's hiding place, which is in the bottom of the ocean.
The popular phrase "waking up" is turned upside down in the journey to the deep that I want to briefly lay out. Instead of waking up, those who swim towards the deep, after the truth, are waking down. And those who rest their arms and legs, allowing their minds and bodies to creep towards the edge of the surface, are sleeping out, not sleeping in. It's a bit confusing, because the brave ones who desire to swim through the very depth of the ocean feel like a fish out of water, while the cowards with their heads above water feel they're in intimate relations with the truth. They look up at the sun and believe its burning light on their back is a testament to their willingness to be enlightened while sacrificing their skin. But unknown to them, the truth is far below, unattached to light for a reason - it helps keep it in a greater condition. If it was visible through the surface of the water due to the sun's aid, then the gathering crowds would force the truth to turn away its face and become alien to everyone. The truth must be experienced individually. In its present state each man or woman can join its presence and enjoy its beauty, as if it was meant for only that individual. The sacredness of revelation is that it doesn't have to be dictated - you see, and you know, any other communication gets in the way. And every unique soul can observe without being told its significance. A collective identity can then be found in the truth, but not before, not all at once, and not haphazardly.
The ocean I'm speaking of is rich with things we were never told about, or believed to never exist. When you are kicking your legs back and froth while on the surface, there is a whole world of truth below you, just waiting to be explored. But this ocean is not without its dangers. There are octopuses with long tentacles, nets that you can get caught in, and unfriendly creatures that can cut your spirit. But the journey for truth makes it all worth it.
So come on down. No price is too high for the truth. If you have a thinking hat on, then take it off, because we're about to go deep under water, and open minds are a requirement for this oceanic excavation. I only bring it up because I don't want you to lose your hat as you dive in - you're going to need it later, when you go back up for fresh air, to examine the ideas and evidence discovered in the rocks, and other hard to get to places.
But why must we plunge inwards? Because it is important to get to the very bottom of the world's realities and at least touch their surface with our palms. And we must do so before we decide to spring our arms and go back up in a mad fury, because we'll make no headway intellectually if we stop in the middle of our quest for the truth, and then give up. Handling new truths is a tough challenge, and some minds who are unexposed to different currents in their bloodstream, or have not made previous encounters with the hard facts that are before them, will drown in their thoughts, because facts can boil their conscious, and pop a few blood vessels. And their lack of intellectual abilities can't be blamed for their poor performance because even men of the highest intelligence have trouble digesting uncomfortable truths. And it is hard to swim in the deep sea of investigation when you're driven with anger and red in the face. The blue water of inquiry is different from the blue flame of anger, it only tolerates calm and collected spirits. Spirits that swim freely, and have nothing at stake that they can lose if they reach too far down, such as long-held beliefs about the world, or government-endorsed ways of thinking, or the sense of security. In order to navigate truths in the deep ocean you must let go of your prior engagements with the false reality that is reflected to us on the ocean's surface, and you must bury your head into the water with a naked spirit, without the life-jacket offered by the government's "security," or the mainstream media. You must be, in a word, weightless. Fearless. Truth-less. Secure-less. You must keep less in spirit, and more in mind, because the mind is flexible whereas the spirit is fully committed, the mind can dodge and weave the long arms of octopuses that hungers for minds, and want them soaked up, tied down, and contained. So it is best to take the first trip to the deep in a footloose manner, taking quick breaths, and swimming with an open eye - to see what was once hidden from you, or what you once refused to see. Only experienced travelers should dive straight in and head towards a particular gem or diamond of truth that is way below even the surface of the bottom of the ocean.
And to be crystal clear, this is an ocean of truth and facts, not of lies and fabrications. Those are visible on the surface, and are intended to mesmerize people so they don't bother to go deeper, to penetrate reality, to penetrate history, to think critically. But that's not to suggest that the truth is all around us once we are deep in the ocean, or that if we only get our feet as well as our minds wet and become 'trutha divers' we'll acquire truthhood instantly. Taking in unyielding truths demands a great will, and an intense effort to challenge the truth, to see if it is in line with your previous discoveries, and other facts. It takes hard work. And the truth must be accepted on its conditions, not yours. The capacity to take in fully without judging right away is an act of pure bravery, and I commend all thinkers who are courageous enough to even ponder nauseating facts. Judgment of anything is a sensitive task, if you do it too quickly and outright then you will find yourself in the wrong, but if you fail to pass any judgment at all then you'll forever remain a faceless fish in the sea, unconscious to the dangerous threats that are out of your reach and can take your spirit, and your life. There is no doubt that coming in contact with the deep truth at this moment in time is a survival mechanism for our species. The spirit of humanity can't live under totalitarian lies. And if we don't aim for the truth and swim towards it with deliberate strokes, then we'll remain hostages to lies, and the masters of lies.