December 28, 2009

Come 2020

Warning: Not for the faint of heart.

Fuck your new years celebrations.

What is there to celebrate? Our criminal-governmental rulers have invaded and pillaged the homes and villages of innocent people thousand of miles away from us. And now they're ready to desolate our continent while enslaving us in the process. Am I supposed to block all this out? So what if the conspiracy against feeling and common sense gives me bad looks and a bad name - what of them? Fuck those blind sheep. They will not see 2020 with the same ignorant eyes as they see 2010. In this next decade there will be resistance to the banking-military cartel and their criminal operations on this planet. The days of expressing rage on computer screens are over. Real politics plays out on the streets, not on blogs. I'm not interesting in just documenting the crimes of the banksters or raising questions about the government cover-up of 9/11. I want answers. I want accountability. I want to see a few evil men face justice. And I'm tired of pundits on television trivializing these important issues and laughing away all our problems. And I'm sick of fake politicians capitalizing on the people's pain while continuing the same corporatist agenda when they get into office. There is a political crisis emerging in the West, and in this next decade the smooth rubber will meet the crooked road. So put away your remote, my fellow human beings, and get off the couch. I'm not in the mood for another fucking sitcom.

These last ten years have taught me that staying silent in the face of ruthless liars and blood-thirsty criminals is a display of ignorance, not civility, and that abstaining from resisting their crimes is an act of betrayal against humanity's highest ideals. I've also learned that I'm not yet ready to give up truth and justice for convenience and security. The 'go with the flow' ethics that has gained ground in our culture needs to be uprooted because the current flow is bringing nothing but misery and slavery for everybody who is not part of the crooked elitist loop. Keeping quiet as more money is allocated for war, and more innocent bodies get buried on top of each other represents a submission to social fears. The time has come to abandon those fears, and embrace our moral power.

This is a time to get loud, and angry. Revolution is not something that is whispered. Change does not come when you speak under your breath, but when you're in over your head, and know you've crossed the line. And right now, a few lines need to be crossed. Tyranny has marched its banner in our noses for far too long not to be recognized, and it's just tempting us to resist it's force because it truly believes that we are no good, and that we will cower at the hour of revolution. The Bush administration pulled off 9/11 knowing they would get away with it because they're not afraid of the American people. These psychopaths are brash for a very good reason. Cheney still spews his crap on television because he discovered a nasty truth about the American people long ago. But this next decade will prove him and his crowd wrong. Contrary to popular programming, there are still men living in America. The decadent bug is not in everyone. And the long night of fear is coming to an end. I no longer anticipate the future as before, but intent on living for it. Even on dying for it. I'm too impatient for the lifestyle of tyranny. I will not hug Big Brother, I'm going to squeeze his balls and make him squeal because pain must be dealt. Banksters who have stolen from the people, lying politicians who have scammed the people, and war profiteers who have killed the people, must feel pain for all the dirt and evil they've committed. I want justice in this world. Is that asking too much? Am I crossing a line? If so, good.

Mistaken souls expect harmony and growth without confrontation. If we want change, we must get in the face of evil, and demand the uneasy answers. Mankind will not be redeemed without tragedy. So how can you expect a recovery when we haven't even experienced the climax yet? America is only at the beginning of its national crisis. An overflow of misery is rushing at us. The globalist authoritarians want us to be poor slaves, so that we cry for mercy and surrender ourselves to a faceless and undemocratic bureaucracy of death. These arrogant anti-humanists want people to go on their knees, and worship their new world order, after they have deprived them of their god-given liberties and wealth. But I will not take the hand of tyranny at the altar of global government. Mankind and slavery has always been a brutal marriage that ended in blood, so why do we expect things to be different this time around? Freedom's blood is still pumping in me; I will not tie the knot of my own imprisonment.

The criminal entities who control America are not giants of any kind. If the American people decide to rise up they can stare their rulers down very easily. And tyrants need to be stared down, and then told to go a corner like a bully in class. If we want to achieve freedom for America and all of mankind then waking up is not enough. We must get up and speak up. Evading the circumstances that we find ourselves in is out of the question. We all know what's happening. The war on terror is a racket, and an excuse to take away our god-given liberties. And the entire US armed forces stationed overseas are mercenaries because the military industrial complex is owned by criminal financiers. Anybody with common sense can see that the troops in the Middle East are not dying for their country's sake but for the benefit of big psychopathic corporations. They are not warriors fighting for liberty, but pawns of empire. These brave souls have been brainwashed. And they've strapped on for big daddy at the tenth of the price that Blackwater's dogs are being paid.

Meanwhile, the people of America, and the people of the world are being looted, beaten, and enslaved. The African people can tell you what kind of misery the thieving Western bankers have inflicted on their continent, and all the precious resources they've stolen behind their faceless veil. This basic truth doesn't have to be hammered into people's minds. The Third World knows the magnitude of corruption at the heart of all politics. And many Americans, too, have woken up to the situation. After all, this is 2010. The allure of the new millennium faded a long while ago. Unfortunately, I wasn't old enough to 'dance the night away,' and now I'm not young enough to just sit and watch television carelessly. I can't allow this world to slide into destruction and slavery. Staying under the radar does not sit well with my conscience. I currently lack a peace of mind. And it's not due to personal reasons. It all has to do with the criminal psychopaths who are running this world into the bloody ground. And mankind's problems will not just go away if I decide to take up meditation or if I escape to the Swiss Alps. Yogo will not quiet my spirit. Nor do I desire to quiet it. Tyrants feed on dead matter just as they feed on dead spirits. Keeping still on your ass will not bring justice into this world. The criminals behind the scenes must be fully engaged with. Evil must see my face, and realize once and for all that I am greater than it. And come 2020, I want to have a reason to celebrate.

But for now, brave souls, resist!