October 13, 2009

What Quiet Peace?

The war baby isn't sound asleep. But I won't advise you to rock him awake. Any sudden move you make and the Middle Eastern lovechild will go back to the 'crying pains' and 'birth pangs' of Condi Rice's 21st century democracy.

In Washington's war room, where all talks of babies are banned, The Mad President's advisers have decided to send another 13,000 troops to Afghanistan, on top of the 21,000 assigned earlier in the year.

Talk about bad timing. The White House wanted this development to go under the radar, but unfortunately for Obama, the international doves made their way above the blue-sly. But it makes synchronous sense, since in this upside-down world, you first get the peace prize, and then you send babies off to die.

By giving Obama a superficial pat on the back, the Committee is really endorsing Obama's Nobel War efforts in Afghanistan. Obama is essentially being given a free pass for more air strikes. A good name for a good war. And he's intending on using this opportunity before Ahmadinejad is awarded with the prize next year.

The whole thing is an example of putting the cart before the trojan horse. And the same phenomenon is true in the economy, people are demanding financial reform without knowing what the real problems are. This is not 2 + 2 = 5., people are even too stupid, or lazy, to do the math, so they take it to be five on faith alone.

Fuck. We're Screwed.

The only hope we have left is a revolution carried out by conscientious objectors inside the American military, with top level generals as well as infantrymen refusing to carry out anymore unlawful and immoral orders. Because the larger public is too distracted, disconnected, and disengaged, to solve this perpetual war problem in American society. Plus, smaller groups have a better chance of conducting a successful revolution than large ones, so all my hopes are on the American military to come through for the Constitution, and Peace. It is unlikely, since I'm asking these men and women to give up their job security, but what other option do we have left? The larger public just doesn't have what it takes. It's not their fault that it's not in the cards for slaves to rebel when everything right and pure is on the line. People only rise up once their out of food or their life is personally threatened. And really, can you say people deserve freedom when the majority of them are so small minded and possess such feeble natures? Maybe the elite got it right. I may start to flip the bird to both sides now, and take this whole thing as an adventure, or a poetic drama to be enjoyed by future slaves. Maybe it is the fate of peasants, or the natural order of things for the existence of slaves. Freedom lovers can try arguing with nature, but I'm going to sit out on this debate.