October 4, 2009

Transmitting from the Dog Poet

Smoking Mirrors: Alas Babylon and the Neanderthal Mind.

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

It was some ancient Greek who said, “The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small”. Just about anything anyone ever said, got said in some permutation by an ancient Greek. They had so many different kinds of philosophers that sometimes opposing views were being declaimed on opposite sides of the same river; one weeping and one laughing. In about 2500 years, we’ve gone from a glut of philosophers to a glut of psychopaths. We’ve gone from high art and noble thinking to trash art and ‘stinking thinking’; stealing a term from the most prominent recovery program of our time. People think it’s an economic recovery that we need but what we need to recover is something that has gone missing in ourselves.

...Transmission Continued