August 2, 2009

Blaming Ron Paul for Future Economic Woes?

We have officially entered bizzaro world. James Pethokoukis of Reuters is arguing that Paul's 1207 bill in Congress would send the economy into a new round of depression. I don't know what twisted economic logic Pethokookoo has used to come to the conclusion that the economy is pulling out of a recession. Everybody who has a sober view of reality can see that the economy is in a depression, not a recession, and that it is not coming out of it for a very long time, as long as the Federal Reserve is around. Pethokookoo writes:
By James Pethokoukis

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve is at least partially to blame for the economic crisis. It left interest rates too low for too long, and laxly regulated the megabanks.

Given this reality, or at least this public perception, it's not surprising that there are plenty of economists and politicos with oodles of ideas for re-imagining the central bank's role and function.

Then there is Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican and libertarian who would rather imagine a fantasy world without a Fed. Throughout his political career, Paul has repeatedly called for the Fed's abolition, preferring Congress to take full control of monetary policy and eliminate fiat money in favor of a gold-backed national currency.

That 'fantasy world' is called 1912, 1911, 1910, and every other year dating back to 1776. And if you say that those years were chaotic by referring to the numerous bank holidays, panic runs, fluctuating markets and the like, without mentioning JP Morgan and other financial investors' role in them, then you will be seen as the liar that you are. Real financial history of that time period has been documented by a number of historians and their work will not go unnoticed. Counting on the ignorance of the American people can only work for so long. The internet has provided me and many others an education, and because of that technological engine for evolution the downfall of the financial powers in America is not a dream anymore, but a dawning certainty.

In reality, the FED is something out of Bankers' fantasy world, and has created nothing but economic nightmares for Americans since its inception. Defenders of the Fed argue that it provides stability to the nation. Without the beast, economic life would be in turmoil, they say. It is not true. But if it is, then shouldn't we be asking the more profound question, which is why are we even measuring the productivity of our daily lives based on electronic exchanges in a market that is rigged?

The federal income tax, almost non-existent before the second world war, is the booty the Fed takes from the American people. It is a tax that is not used to fund any projects in America's perishing communities or used to pay down the national debt. Instead, it is wealth generated from the hard work of Americans and put into the hands of financiers, war profiteers, and banking houses to establish their own power. Only the few and well connected profit from such a private and powerful institution as the Federal Reserve Bank. Keeping such a beast in the dark will be its downfall.

Critics of Paul's bill claim that the Fed's objectivity would be thwarted by political shenanigans in Congress. But the Fed has never been objective in its relation to the markets. Kierkegaard, writing about God, said that "in objective being, whatever subjectivity is not purely transparent hast at some point or other a relation to an environment, a relation to the other, and therefore has, must have, purposes." The Fed's main purpose is to create easy money to finance unpopular projects like war. It was also created to serve the purposes of world-influential financiers who place money as the highest commodity any nation possesses. Money is the most important social resource, and like natural resources such as oil or minerals, it is an object for invasion by the powerful. The purposes of the Fed could not be achieved if the Bank did not operate in secret. Good men and good institutions are not afraid of transparency because they have nothing to hide. Right? That's what the US government is telling Americans as they look through their emails and phone calls. So in this context, the Fed's libertarian position of privacy rights is laughable. There is a disconnect between Obama's campaign promises and his administration's policies that is visible to even ignorant Americans, thus the demand for transparency will grow louder in the coming months. Have rulers of human destiny forgotten that people are kept ignorant and not born ignorant?

I forgot to mention earlier that Pethokookoo is supporting financial fascists by holding this view. I hate to use such strong rhetoric, actually, no; I love using words that best describes the villains in our world.

Here is another piece of dribble:
And what's wrong with a little more sunshine on the Fed? Nothing, many Americans apparently think. A Rasmussen poll finds that 75 percent "favor auditing the Federal Reserve and making the results available to the public."

Now those results aren't a big surprise given the public's unease with the unprecedented measures the Fed has taken to bolster the economy, including the unpopular bailout of AIG (AIG.N). Another recent poll found that the Fed is the most unpopular government institution, ranking behind even the Internal Revenue Service.

This unease is also reflected in the nearly 300 House members who are supporting the Paul bill. It's a worrisome level of congressional support that may be pushing Ben Bernanke to educate the public on what the Fed really does, for example through his appearance at a recent town hall meeting at the Kansas City Fed.

Real original. Playing the 'Americans are dumb' trump card, and that they need to be 'educated' by none other than the Grand Ayatollah of America' Banks, Ben Bernanke. It is not educational, my friend, it is pure propaganda.

And, finally, this last bit of insanity is hard to top. All other propagandists must consult Pethokookoo to construct their arguments against greater transparency of the Fed because he has done a wonderful job.
More congressional authority would more likely be biased toward pushing for looser monetary policy to bring down unemployment. And right now do Americans really want global investors to start questioning the Fed's commitment to low inflation and a stable currency, right as Uncle Sam is running up record budget deficits?

The economy is only now pulling itself out of recession. Paul's bill, if successful, could send it back the other way.

By the Fed's commitment to low inflation and a stable currency, he means the Fed's commitment to fucking the average American, stagnation, and a disabled currency. Pinning any future economic downturn on Ron Paul is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. If that is how these spin misters want to approach this crisis, then nothing but a popular and non-violent revolution can bring recovery to America's economy.

The smear and bullshit campaign against Dr. Paul and the most important bill currently in congress will only intensify. If the bill is successful, and it will be, the American federal government will lose all legitimacy. The Media Machine will be put to good use, and cock-eyed liberals will put Bush's drones to shame when they start to blame Paul for economic calamities and investors leaving the dollar. Blame the messenger, and not the message is an old confident trick but it works against fools every time. But that shall not deter us. I'd be damned if puppets, tools, cowards, and empowered cock-suckers have the last word in America. The banker paradise that is America in its present form will not last once the wrath of the American people is focused.

My god! The Jeffersonian spirit of liberty is being revived, and there is nothing that Pethokookoo can do to stop it. This isn't 1913, or 1931. In 2009 the enemy is known and it is not feared. Obama's government cannot in one breath say Congress can dish out health care, but is too divided and self-interested to issue the currency of the nation. That is what this movement is about, to make Congress realize its potential and reissue the currency of the nation without unnecessarily asking for interest from the American people byway of the income tax. The American people can wrap their heads around this simple issue once it is explained to them in a truthful and consistent manner. Complicating the debate by interjecting bullshit arguments that a political Congress cannot dutifully direct monetary policy will not work. Once the second American revolution is successful, and the power of the people's house is restored, the Congress, America's national currency will be issued by the people themselves rather than a group of rotten and greedy jackals who only seek their own gain.

Pethokookoo's sorry efforts to stain the pro-sound money movement will not work. The line is being drawn. Soon, all dumbfounded Americans will have to choose which side they're are going to cross. Those of us who already know our fascists enemies are preparing for the battle on our side. Some of us are sitting like monks, pondering what course to take, while others are gearing up - standing by the principles of peaceful resistance. I am running through the ranks, nodding my head at each group because I understand each complaint. None of us are in the wrong. Titanic is what life handed, but I will not lie stranded in a sunken ship. We will rise from the shrunken-ness, and open our eyes to a new wonderment. We will be like babies again, drinking milk from all the goddesses, as their hundred tits will be in our clutching fists. And the plundering of the world at the banker's wish will no longer persist. And we have Dr. Paul to thank for all of this.