July 29, 2009

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Their masters, who else?

Terms like conservative democrats to describe the dogs with teeth in the Democratic party is semantics. Soon, this type of party politics will be remembered for what it actually is; two rackets with different stripes owned by the same club. Its ironic that Bernanke defends the Fed's independent status, when it is anything but, just like the politicians in town. By now, the dog and pony show that is health care reform is nothing but fodder for the toddlers. All this is obvious, I know, but it needs to be endlessly repeated like an infomercial, or else the message is lost. So having a debate about health care without any mention of the war, the powers of the Federal Reserve, and the Pentagon budget, is insanity. It is déjà vu. The Obama administration is just a rehash of the Clinton years, except this time the president really is black, and he really did inhale, so some progress has been made.

And the stupidity of the birther movement is only possible in America. This is LOL political theater. It doesn't really matter where Obama was born. In fact, if he was born outside of America he would be a better president. Maybe the first non-American president is in the near future, which is only fair for the rest of the world because America's tentacles spreads to the whole globe. Imagine if a real slave was in power, the banks would then actually be afraid of the government.

But as long as the American people are kept in the dog house there will be no change. Their president pitches health care reform about as good as he pitches a baseball. Counting on Obama to do his magic in the Congress is expecting the impossible. The most he can do with his hands tied behind his back by his corporate handlers is to influence and persuade congressmen, and unless he bribes them he will be unsuccessful. It is a sad sight. Imagine being hyped to bring a championship title to your city and you can't even tie your shoe laces in the locker room. If this was Space Jam, Obama would be Bugs Bunny and not Michael Jordan going up against the humongous aliens. And it is not his fault. Nobody can compete with the Media and Money machine. Michael Jackson was ruined by it. Ron Paul's presidential campaign was mocked by it.

Moyers and Winship lay out the problem:
As the Republicans fired away, big business stepped up the attack, too, their lobbying and advertising guns blazing. The Chamber of Commerce, for one, announced a major campaign of rallies and print and Internet ads to crush the White House plan for a competitive public option allowing consumers to choose between a government plan and private health insurance. In key states where members of Congress remain on the fence, the airwaves are vibrating with television commercials aimed at shifting hearts and minds away from any change that might threaten profits.
The Media is a God machine, I tell ya! It can strike down lighting bolts from satellites and change American minds instantly, ..riight? ...Or is it really as powerful as everybody thinks it is? Ron Paul attracted 12,000 people from around the country for a rally in Washington, all without the media's help. If an authentic social movement gets under away, chances are that the media won't cover it until it is forced to. It will be a spontaneous phenomenon that will make the talking heads on television explode. The Marie Antoinettes of the infotainment world can't seen the storm coming from where they're sitting. Some have a hint but the blindfold is still on.

Carl Ginsburg recently wrote in Counter Punch that the crisis can no longer be ignored.
Crisis is everywhere. Wages and salaries have fallen at an annual rate of 3.1 per cent. Half of that decline is attributed to plummeting manufacturing, where most jobs are unlikely to return soon, if ever. Economist Mark Zandi believes that the US will have negative wage growth this year. According to Money magazine, 30 per cent of workers employed now, or about 42 million people, are independent contractors, part-timers, temporary staffers or self-employed—a contingent workforce expected to grow to 40 per cent in ten years. Crisis as a way of life.
But the crisis is not a way of life for everyone, which is the number one problem. The 'crisis' has existed in America's cities for an entire generation now. You can walk down any forgotten street in America's cities or watch The Wire. These realities are not portrayed on NBC or any of the major studios, but America has been in a crisis for a long, long time. Unemployment has been high ever since China decided to be the slave engine of the world.

Paul Craig Roberts highlights the problem about government unemployment figures in his newest article:

The reported unemployment rate is itself deceptive as it does not include discouraged workers who have been unemployed for more than a year. These long-term discouraged workers are simply erased from the rolls of the unemployed.
How can Americans depend on their employers for health care coverage when they're jobless? 16% unemployed is not a small number. Since the President likes to call himself a community organizer, it only makes sense that he should lead an imitative to spread community health care around the country, based on an already existing grassroots model. But he is not in power, so he might as well be called a community organizer.

The real powerful and stupid leaders of America are creating a situation ripe for a popular revolution. And it looks like they're gearing up their real blue dogs to suppress one. Forget red meat, these dogs of war won't lie down until they see blood in the streets. And
I'm guessing that the dissenters won't be getting any treatment by a health insurance company anytime soon.