Candidate A goes around the country, mostly on the edges, guaranteeing jobs. He is a Democrat. He enters politics to gain wealth, but most of all, status. Apparently, they're not enlightened on what political status really means, or maybe they liked to be called whores and thieves. In any other workplace that knowledge would have to be admitted by the person, not co-workers or the public and that requires personal reflection and honesty.
Candidate B goes around the country, rarely overstepping the bible swamps, guaranteeing security. They call him a Republican. He is already rich, so he goes into politics only to solidify and protect his wealth. And to condemn.
Candidate C goes around the country, visiting every neighborhood, guaranteeing both jobs and security, but is laughed at, and gets called a commie pinko. He genuinely loves public service, and he knows more than you, the voter, and he thinks this is an accomplishment. Strangely, for all his world-is-one visionary beliefs, his only comrades are those who see the world as he does.
Candidate D goes around the country, but only stopping by comfort zones, guaranteeing neither jobs or security, he too is laughed at, and gets called a libertarian kook. He decides to join the political haystacks out of spite, or sometimes he is pushed in reluctantly. And if he wants your money or votes, you wouldn't know. The constitution is his bible, literally. Other than that, he is a free thinker.
All Candidates cater to the public. It's their job, and votes are like tips for them - the more, the better, but they receive their real salaries from the paymasters. As a voter you get what you ordered, but you can only select from the menu. It's a funny relationship, politicians are like waiters, smiley face and all, and voters are like eaters, very, very generous eaters. Financial traders and politicians are alike, both being know for their salesmen persona. One is a speculator of stocks, and the other is a speculator of flocks. Both involve fraud, and dupes.
Voter A looks at a candidate from all angles - front, back and side, and if he resembles his own features then he votes for him.
Voter B watches the campaign from afar, is informed on the issues by word of mouth and a loud fascist on the radio whom he trusts. Come voting day, he looks at the poll in the day's newspaper and votes for whomever is number one.
Voter C is deeply engaged in the issues, watches the propaganda news show that appeals most to his prejudice , becomes seriously angered at the oppositional candidate(the one who is not looked on favorably by the loudest talking head) and actively participates throughout the campaign. He casts his vote early in the morning, before everybody else is at the polls, and by accident he fills in the oppositional candidate's box.
Voter D goes with the brand rather than the product. If you have a good brand, odds are you'll always have his vote, even if you repeatedly lie to him and steal from his cheque.
All Voters realize that money trumps politics. They know lobbyists bribe politicians, they are not that stupid. But they believe that they too can bribe politicians, but with votes. In rare circumstances, votes are in fact more appealing than money to politicians, so voters know it's a gamble. If politicians are indeed whores, then voters are just unsuccessful pimps.
And then there is the rest of us. We don't do electoral politics. Or revolution. For the longest time we've been quiet, mad and depressed because that is what waking up entails, until the end of time, or until we figure out that there is no more time left, or that there was never any time. Our politics, if it ever dawns, will eclipse all the wrongheaded and wronghearted decisions made in the past one hundred years. But we, unlike the voters, the politicians, and the paymasters, don't believe in ourselves. Somehow, we think everything is going to turn out right in the end. Maybe we are waiting for destiny to strike, or until the encroachment of our freedoms and humanity become so blatant that even the asleep masses will respond to the darker truths of the powers behind America by saying 'duh', instead of brushing it off as they do now. But that is unlikely to happen because tyranny in its first stages is always a conspiracy and as Huxley said, people will learn to love their servitude and actively participate in their own undoing. So, voters and dupes will always be with us. Thus, we can't count on collective power to help us recover from this Armageddon. It all comes down to individual power, and a leader who takes that first step, letting everybody know that the sheriff is back in town.