March 14, 2009

Political Parties and Their Followers

When the Obama administration and the man himself fall from prestige, what then? A more serious breakdown of functional society is in order, not just of the economy, to reveal the current popular facade that this particular person has any sort of meaningful power to dismantle the invested corporate interests in America and the much more powerful banking dynasties of Europe and America. The people themselves are undergoing a nervous and continual collapse. The upshoot of morale that a large segment of the American people felt for a while was short lived because it was ill-born. They were cast under a spell and misled with false hopes. It will soon be realized by indepedent minded progressives and democrats that the current democratic cloak covering the US government is no less militaristic and elitist than its counterpart party. Their foolish naivete is forgivable because hoping for the best is not an irrational human quality but their persistent shallow backing of Obama is. And they should be criticized with ardor for their labeling of opponents as 'unpatriotic.' The Republicans and their mindless boobs of followers didn't pull back from calling their political enemies as unpatriotic, commies, and on some occasions, terrorists. Likewise, the Democrats with their own version of mindless boobs, are beginning to brand their political enemies as racist and unpatriotic. Both parties and both group of followers are wrong. Each type of criticism signal the death knell of intelligent discussion and earnest opposition.