September 21, 2014

President Obama Hypes The Feel Good Coalition In Radio Address; Washington Has Lost Too Much Credibility In Iraq And Syria To Be An Effective Global Leader In The Anti-ISIS Struggle

1. An excerpt from, "Obama on War: It’s World vs. ISIS - President Keeps Trying to Play Up 'Coalition'" by Jason Ditz,, September 20, 2014:
In his weekly radio address, President Obama continued to play up the idea that the war on ISIS is going to be fought primarily by a massive, worldwide coalition he has assembled.
The address appears like it could’ve been largely written the same time as the week and a half ago war speech, echoing the same attempts to downplay the scope of the conflict to the American public, while insisting that the bulk of the fight is going to be handled by a mythical foreign force.
Hitting ISIS and other radical Jihadists with targeted, but largely token airstrikes, whether they be in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, wherever, is a quick way to gain international prestige and be seen as tough on terrorism on the global stage. But they don't do anything other than make France and the U.S. feel good about themselves. 

These airstrikes and targeted killings don't actually solve the problem because the attackers (NATO, US, France, etc) don't have the best of intentions, and contributed to the problem in the first place. They don't have a consistent anti-terrorism strategy, and actually support Jihadist terrorists with money, weapons, propaganda, and training when it suits their geopolitical and political interests.

This tweet by Erik Meyersson captures the inherent lack of credibility of Washington's anti-ISIS coalition: "A real anti-#ISIS coalition would be hitting organization's targets around #Kobani right now. A fake one wouldn't."

Kobani is in the Kurdish areas of Syria, close to the Turkish border, which has been a key stronghold of the PYD/PKK. Unlike Iraqi Kurdistan, it does not have any oil or U.S. military and CIA bases, so its strategic value to Washington ranges from minimal to zero. Hence the inaction on its part to stop the town from falling into ISIS's control.

2. An excerpt from, "Suspicions Run Deep in Iraq That C.I.A. and the Islamic State Are United" by David D. Kirkpatrick, New York Times, September 20, 2014:
Omar al-Jabouri, 31, a Sunni Muslim from a predominantly Shiite neighborhood of Baghdad who attended the rally and said he volunteers with a Shiite brigade, argued that Mr. Maliki had alienated most Iraqis, regardless of their sect.

“He did not just exclude and marginalize the Sunni people; he ignored the Shiite people, too,” Mr. Jabouri said. “He gave special help to his family, his friends, people close to him. He did not really help the Shiite people, as many people think.”

But the Islamic State was a different story, Mr. Jabouri said. “It is obvious to everyone that the Islamic State is a creation of the United States and Israel.”
People in Iraq and across the region are awake to the secret machinations and evil methods of the Islamic State of Israel and the States. They know who their real enemy is, and it isn't this funny-looking goof, who is not a charismatic speaker nor a military strategist, but a mere frontman who plays the role of a Caliph.

Washington has even less credibility in Iraq and the region than ISIS because their policies, actions, and anti-Assad rhetoric helped spawned this mass-murdering terrorist group. Washington has been destabilizing Syria, sending weapons into the country, and training foreign Jihadists to fight the Syrian army for over three years, and ISIS is the natural result of those activities.

The reality is that ISIS and Jihadism in general will never be defeated as long as the U.S. is the global leader forming coalitions against it. The world will be fighting this war for many more decades as long as Washington is the one listing the objectives and leading the war effort.

The U.S. is not a leader in the global war against terrorism, and never has been, not even in the days and weeks following the false flag 9/11 attacks. The best thing it can do in the anti-ISIS struggle is quit calling for the overthrow of Assad and stop using the bullshit rhetoric that legitimizes ISIS's narrative that Assad is a mass murderer and a tyrant who must be toppled.